Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
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Simple, easy to guess passwords are the scourge of cybersecurity staff. On the flip side, many users struggle to remember lengthy and complicated passwords that pass muster with cybersecurity standards. To help bridge the gap between security and useability, Carnegie Mellon’s CyLab Security and Privacy Institute has developed a policy for creating passwords. […]

Cyber Security Brainstorm

The Department of Defense released a draft version of its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), dated August 30, offering a glimpse into how the department plans to apply cybersecurity requirements to its contractors in the near future. […]

Carnegie Mellon University has appointed Lorrie Faith Cranor director of its CyLab organization, which functions as a research institute focusing on security and privacy issues including ransomware attacks, network security, and cyber autonomy, among others. […]

White House

Today’s meeting between top executives of several U.S tech giants and senior members of the Trump administration was a “great listening session” for the administration, said Michael Kratsios, deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer, during an event today organized by the Business Roundtable. […]

In order to educate law enforcement officials on how to deal with digital evidence and cyber-based crimes, the FBI has created the Cyber Investigator Certification Program, a project that, in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, aims to address the concerns of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) over a lack of affordable cyber training options for officers. […]

Thousands of students from hundreds of universities have approximately 103 days, 10 hours, and 27 minutes to help the National Security Agency disarm a remote-controlled improvised explosive device for this year’s Codebreaker Challenge. […]
