White House
5G wireless infrastructure technology

Federal government officials warned about the risks and challenges of rolling out 5G wireless networks – particularly in terms of the threat China poses in its global advancement of 5G – and emphasized that use of public-private partnerships in developing America’s vision for 5G networks will be critical for ensuring network security and staying internationally competitive. […]

David Norquist, deputy Defense Secretary and chief financial officer at the Pentagon, told senators today that threats posed by China and Russia are the Defense Department’s (DoD) central problem – particularly in the race for technological defense capabilities – and largely justify the White House’s proposed $750 billion defense budget for FY2020. […]

China has significantly closed the innovation gap with the United States since 2007, and even more so since 2017, although the U.S. still leads China in research and development (R&D) spending, according to a recent Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) report. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

House Budget Committee members threw a series of sharp questions and critiques at Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist today about the Defense Department’s (DoD’s) proposed technology spending plans after he said DoD is prioritizing IT modernization, better cybersecurity, and tech innovation. […]

Rep. William Hurd, R-Texas, stressed at IBM’s Think Gov event today that America needs to lead the world in developing 5G wireless networks and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, especially with China on the rise as a voracious international competitor, and said successful development and application of the two technologies are inextricably linked. […]

An internal U.S. Navy report found that the service branch and its industry partners face a severe barrage of cyberattacks from China, according to an article from the Wall Street Journal today. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

The Atlantic Council recommends accelerating a whole-of-government approach to developing a long-term national spectrum strategy which will include creating an inter-spectrum for 5G that will allow for Federal, state, and local policy synchronization of policies and procedures to rapidly and cost-effectively implement 5G. […]

With nation-state cyberattacks increasingly targeting businesses, the Federal government must take action to collaborate and communicate with the private sector in a whole-of-government approach, said current and former officials from the Department of Justice on Tuesday. […]

Sens. Mark Warner, D.-Va., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., introduced legislation on Friday to create an Office of Critical Technologies & Security at the White House to coordinate action across Federal agencies and develop a “whole of government” strategy to combat theft of U.S. technologies by state actors including China, and to reduce risks to “critical supply chains.” […]

The Department of Justice (DoJ) today announced hacking and identity theft charges against two members of the Chinese state-sponsored hacking group APT-10, alleging that the APT-10 members hacked into American organizations and stole personally identifiable information on more than 100,000 Navy personnel. […]

Google HQ

A Google spokesperson declined today to confirm or deny a report from The Intercept that an internal struggle between Google’s privacy team and executives managing its Dragonfly China search engine project has led to an effective shutdown of the effort.  […]

Google HQ

More than 200 Google engineering, research, and project management employees have signed a petition calling on the company to cancel its Dragonfly project, which the employees said aims to create a “censored search engine for the Chinese market that enables state surveillance.” […]

U.S. China

In advance of a scheduled meeting between President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit this week, a new update from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released on November 20 details China’s continued policies of stealing information from U.S. companies through cyberattacks. […]

Rob Joyce

The ability of adversaries to attack in cyberspace with low consequence creates the need to impose friction and leads to the tenants of defending forward and continuous engagement with adversaries in cyberspace espoused in the National Cyber Strategy and the Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Strategy, said Rob Joyce, senior adviser for cybersecurity strategy to the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). […]

World globe trade

The United States, Russia, and China did not sign the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, a global cyber pact, released Tuesday at Paris Peace Forum by French President Emmanuel Macron. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense released the latest chapter of its cyber strategy on Tuesday, which takes a more offensive stance than its 2015 predecessor and directs DoD to “defend forward, shape the day-to-day competition, and prepare for war” in cyberspace. […]

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2019 took a big step toward passage with the release of the conference report late yesterday that unifies House and Senate NDAA legislation and places in sharp focus concerns about growing cyber and electronic warfare threats and ways that the United States should address them. […]

With cybersecurity threats on the rise, most recently seen in a Chinese hack of a Navy contractor, the Department of Defense is taking new steps to ensure security, in part by putting more of the onus on contractors. […]

It’s no secret that Chinese companies are major suppliers to U.S. technology companies that serve the Federal government, and a report issued last month says the Chinese government is leveraging that manufacturing capability to create significant security risks across the U.S. Federal enterprise. […]

Pentagon leaders say they’re serious about getting ahead in the artificial intelligence (AI) game, which increasingly could include the “games” involved in the modeling and simulation programs used for training. […]

Department of Defense (DoD) officials have been framing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the center of a “new space race,” citing its growing importance in military and geopolitical operations, the investments other countries such as China have been making in AI, and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertion that whoever takes the lead in this field will be “ruler of the world.” […]

China believes that the growing predominance of information technologies could provide them with an advantage in the global market, according to Dean Cheng, senior research fellow at the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation. […]

Creepy Data It’s no secret that my D.C. network of informants are concerned about the future of the Internet of Things and the potential for major tears in the social fabric if policy does not keep pace with technological development. But some members of the D.C. network have started sounding the alarm over China’s use […]
