The now-former CIO and director of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) IT enterprise John Edwards has been newly appointed as the deputy chief operating officer (COO) at the CIA. […]


Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) re:Invent conference achieved the impossible dream: 700 public sector technology professionals awake at 7 a.m. in Las Vegas. At the public sector keynote, Teresa Carlson, VP worldwide public sector AWS, highlighted the new AWS Secret Region. The Secret Region was designed for the U.S. intelligence community (IC) and can operate workloads up to the Secret U.S. security classification level. […]

President Donald Trump nominated John Sherman, to be chief information officer of the Intelligence Community under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, on Aug. 18. […]

Former CIA Director John Brennan said that the Federal government should create an independent commission to regulate the digital domain. Brennan said that the commission should be made up of former government officials and private sector engineers to ensure that there are representatives of both backgrounds. […]

President Donald Trump nominated two former members of the U.S. Congress who have experience with Russian affairs to direct the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and they have vastly different personalities. How will these men affect the future of these intelligence agencies? […]

Defending against U.S. intelligence leaks such as those committed by Edward Snowden and Julian Assange’s Wikileaks requires a “fundamental change” in the way that intelligence deals with digital attacks and vulnerabilities, according to CIA Director Mike Pompeo. […]

The anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks released thousands of documents Tuesday that it claims detail a massive CIA hacking program targeting Windows operating systems, iPhones, and smart TVs—both in the U.S. and abroad. […]

President Donald Trump mandated that agencies withhold privacy protections from people who aren’t U.S. citizens, which puts relationships with other countries at risk, according to a policy manager at Mozilla. […]


There is no evidence that Russian hacking activities altered the results of the 2016 presidential election. But there is ample evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intelligence services are now waging a massive information operations campaign targeting Western democracies. […]


President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination for CIA director has advocated for mass data collection from U.S. citizens and has criticized Trump’s foreign policy strategies. Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., urged Congress to allow the National Security Agency to restart its bulk collection of metadata while adding that to financial and “lifestyle” information that would all be searchable in one database. […]

It’s been one year since the CIA established the Directorate for Digital Innovation—the first new major directorate stood up by the agency in more than 50 years. One small part of this new endeavor is beginning to pay off in a big way. […]

The Secret Service has an interesting class photo….The CIA is taking cues from the advertising technology industry….IARPA is investing in research into homomorphic encryption—a potential game-changer in the worlds of privacy and security that enables encrypted queries of encrypted databases….And synthetic biology is keeping Jason Matheny up at night. […]

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence plans to hire its first chief information officer to take charge of IT programs across the ODNI’s 20 component offices, particularly the effort to retire legacy IT systems and migrate users to the cloud. […]
