Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Achieve Zero Vulnerability With Proven Appliance-Based Security

The CIO Council is currently leading an effort, along with a multi-agency working group, to develop a new Zero Trust Playbook for agencies, according to Thomas Santucci, the director of the General Services Administration Data Center and Cloud Optimization Initiative Program Management Office (DCCOI PMO). […]

Internet of Things IoT Data Architecture diagram

Even before the coronavirus pandemic jolted Federal agencies into a crash course on network modernization, the Federal CIO Council had cooked up its prescient “Networks of the Future” white paper that lays out next-generation network technologies and strategies that provide a roadmap for agencies in the post-pandemic era. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The Application Rationalization Playbook has been around since June 2019, yet not all IT portfolio managers have taken advantage of it. A Federal IT expert encouraged agencies to utilize this playbook, not only to help with cloud migration but also said it can help save costs and get chief information officers (CIOs) on “the same page.” […]

The Federal CIO Council’s Federal Investment Management Community of Practice and ACT-IAC’s IT Management and Modernization Community of Interest have released an IT spending transparency maturity model in line with the Federal Data Strategy action plan and Technology Business Management (TBM) implementation. […]

The nominee to be the next deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) told a Senate panel this week that OMB can help speed IT modernization in the Federal government through a change in budget scoring rules, and through pulling together best practices developed by the CIO Council. […]

David Nelson, chief information officer of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said Wednesday at ATARC’s Cloud & Data Center Summit that technology providers are using outdated talking points when describing the attitudes of CIOs in the Federal government, and called upon vendors to assist government leaders, instead of discussing the shortcomings in their agencies. […]

Joseph Klimavicz, chief information officer and deputy assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice, today previewed an updated IT strategic plan he is working on that will focus on improved service delivery, more intelligent and autonomous processes, a further push to shared services, improvements to network security, and use of advanced analytics and machine-learning technologies. […]
