Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety reintroduced the Crypto-Asset Environmental Transparency Act, and this week held the Senate’s first hearing focused on the emerging technology’s impact to climate. […]

By Miles Fuller, Head of Government Solutions, TaxBit The collapse late last year of FTX, one of the largest centralized cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, and the resulting contagion has garnered the interest of U.S. lawmakers and regulators. After years of talking about crypto, they now seem to be interested in more than just hinting […]

New Senate legislation unveiled today would retain at least for now the status quo on current Federal oversight of some cryptocurrency trading, but also would set the stage for a much broader examination of how and whether the Federal government should create regulatory structures for a wider range of digital assets that includes cryptocurrency. […]
