Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

A senior Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) customer experience (CX) official said last week that the value of taking a deliberate approach in the process for generating CX improvements can generate better understanding of the problems trying to be solved, and ultimately the way that the agency may go about making improvements. […]

Reps. Katie Porter, D-Cali., and Gerry Connolly, D-VA., introduced new legislation last week that aims to strengthen how the Federal government serves the American public by giving six agencies specific marching orders on improving online and other services. […]

CX Customer experience -min

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is forging ahead with executing President Biden’s Federal customer experience improvement executive order issued last December by framing the planned service improvements around five distinct major life events where citizens may rely more heavily on the government for help. […]


The year 2021 has played out as a non-stop whirlwind of activity for the Federal IT community – one unprecedented in recent memory for new policy direction, funding pushes, and urgency to improve network security. […]

White House

The White House’s new executive order that aims to improve the ease and effectiveness of how citizens interact with the government touches most of the larger Federal civilian government agencies, and takes specific aim at agencies that provide 35 types of service that the order defines as “high impact” for citizens based on volume and types of services delivered. […]
