Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Pentagon on Nov. 17 publicly released new strategic guidance for operations in the information environment, which calls for a shift in how the Defense Department (DoD) approaches the integration of “informational and physical power.”  […]

Ann Dunkin

The Department of Energy (DoE) is in the “drafting process” of creating a new cybersecurity strategy that will address cloud technologies to be used by the agency going forward, according to Ann Dunkin, chief information officer at DoE, who talked about process for the strategy during a June 20 event organized by Federal News Network. […]

The Department of the Interior – which is responsible for overseeing the infrastructure of offshore domestic oil and gas facilities – must immediately develop and implement a cybersecurity strategy to protect these facilities against growing threats, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in a new report. […]
