In the two years since the Biden-Harris administration released its landmark cybersecurity executive order (EO), Federal agencies including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been notching rapid progress on the order’s imperatives, a NIST tech official said today at Palo Alto Networks’ Public Sector Ignite 2023 conference in Tysons, Va. […]

The Pentagon is a very large building that houses a lot of the authorities for the U.S. Military. It's big. This photo doesn't do it justice, but they're kinda rightly concerned about people flying drones around there.

Building a 21st-century military is critical to protect the United States against an ever-evolving threat landscape – especially in the digital era. According to Rep. Rick Allen, R-Ga., building that resilient military force begins with investments at the U.S. Army’s Cyber Center of Excellence, housed at Fort Gordon in Georgia. […]

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Energy, Climate, and Grid Security subcommittee voted unanimously today to approve the Energy Emergency Leadership Act (HR 3277), which would require that Energy Department cybersecurity and other energy security-related operations be assigned to an Assistant Secretary at the agency whose appointment would be confirmable by the Senate. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

In recent years, Federal Agencies have been challenged by a growing list of adversaries operating in an increasingly complex cyber threat landscape. At the same time, Agencies have been diligently modernizing their information technology (IT) environments to accommodate evolutionary cloud technology trends and a more mobile and remote workforce. These dynamics have combined to create […]

The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced the official disruption of a sophisticated Russian spy tool on Tuesday – noting that after 20 years of stealing sensitive documents from hundreds of computer systems in 50 NATO countries, they were able to finally dismantle “Snake.” […]


With mounting cybersecurity concerns as the driving factor for both the Federal government’s ongoing migration to zero trust architectures – and the quickening pace of broader IT modernization … […]

Cyber Central May 2023 - Public-Private Priority

From sweeping national strategy plans, to billions being budgeted for zero trust, to pushing the private sector for more secure software – those are just some of the big moves that the Federal government is making right now to drive forward its broad cybersecurity agenda. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

The Defense Department (DoD) today issued a proposed revision to the existing eligibility criteria for its voluntary Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Program that, if enacted, would greatly expand the number of DIB companies that can participate in the program that shares cybersecurity threat intelligence and other security assistance to the private sector firms who do business with DoD. […]


The Federal government is nearing the halfway point of a three-year plan to move agencies toward zero trust cybersecurity to better protect the nation from cyberattacks. With its recent National Cybersecurity Strategy, the Biden administration reinforced the commitment to zero trust made in last year’s memo from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which required agencies to meet specific zero trust goals by the end of fiscal year 2024. […]

RSA Conference
A Foundation of Collaboration: Enhancing and Acting on Shared Cybersecurity Intelligence

Close public-private collaboration between the government and the private sector is helping to serve as a “force multiplier” in building cyber resilience, and has helped organizations to proactively respond to cyber threats, according to new research from RSA Conference and MeriTalk. […]


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) today announced plans to develop and establish its own version of the Logging Made Easy (LME) tool – an open-source project that provides basic logging of security information on enrolled Windows devices.  […]

The Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Cybersecurity met with AI experts in the private sector today to understand how the Defense Department (DoD) could better leverage the emerging technology to improve warfighting – while also ensuring that cybersecurity comes baked into the weapons.  […]

healthcare cyber-min

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers during a Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing today that President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget request would allow the agency to invest more in cybersecurity and infrastructure security protection. […]


Cybersecurity services provider Palo Alto Networks said this week that it received Department of Defense (DoD) Impact Level 5 (IL5) Provisional Authorization for its Prisma Access cloud-delivered security offering to protect DoD agencies and help enforce zero trust security strategies. […]

Anjana Rajan, the assistant national cyber director at ONCD

The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) is taking its new National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS) on the road in the coming weeks to regional hubs of U.S. space innovation to understand how to bolster the cybersecurity of space systems. […]


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published its secure-by-design and secure-by-default guidelines today, which aim to outline clear steps that technology providers can take to increase the safety of products used around the world. […]

Rob Joyce

The National Security Agency (NSA) is focused on enhancing its partnerships with industry to take down cyber adversaries in concert, NSA Cybersecurity Director Rob Joyce said at an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies on April 11. […]

Jen Easterly

The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) – a trade group focused on partnerships to address intelligence and national security priorities – is pushing for creation of a Cyber National Guard to defend against attacks on critical U.S. infrastructure and other targets. […]

A Foundation of Collaboration: Enhancing and Acting on Shared Cybersecurity Intelligence
Critical infrastructure

The Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) and the National Space Council convened government and industry leaders this week to discuss bolstering cybersecurity in the space systems ecosystem, and the White House tasked several Federal agencies with new marching orders to start pushing toward that goal. […]

By Gaurav Pal, Principal and Founder, stackArmor, Inc. Disruptions in gasoline supplies due to the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline in May 2021 transformed cybersecurity attacks from an “online problem” to a national security concern. This seminal event resulted in the release of the National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS) on March 2, 2023. The NCS brought […]

Department of Commerce

The?Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said late Wednesday that it has accepted in whole or in part 29 recommendations put forth by its Cybersecurity Advisory Committee (CSAC), which was created to provide cybersecurity recommendations to CISA Director Jen Easterly. […]

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