Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Investments in “basic” IT modernization initiatives, such as improving bandwidth and updating laptops, were the backbone behind telework success at the Department of Energy (DOE) as the coronavirus pandemic took hold, CIO Rocky Campione said at the September 3 Lessons from DOE: Foresight and Focus Keep the Grid Humming webinar. […]

White House

The Department of Energy and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today named nearly two dozen members from DoE National Laboratories, the tech sector and academia to the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee that will advise the Trump administration on policies related to quantum information science. […]

electric grid

When it comes to the security of sensitive information in the energy sector, collaboration between the Department of Energy, intelligence community, and private sector are foundational to these efforts, Senior Advisor at the Office of Policy for Cybersecurity, Energy Security, & Emergency Response Alexander Gates said. […]

The recently established Artificial Intelligence and Technology Office (AITO) at the Department of Energy (DOE) expressed interest in hosting sector-specific grand challenges that advance AI tech innovation to support U.S. AI leadership, per a June 10 request for information (RFI). […]

electric grid

The same day that the United States’ Department of Energy and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency teamed up to release an infographic of best practices for industrial control systems, their counterparts across the pond released their guidance. […]

The Department of Energy’s (DoE) Office of Science announced its plan to invest up to $625 million in establishing National Quantum Information Science Research Centers in accordance with the National Quantum Initiative Act, according to a Jan. 10 funding opportunity announcement. […]

While improving the management of data across agencies is an ongoing challenge for Federal agencies, leveraging geospatial data as a strategic asset is turning into an area of opportunity for the Departments of Energy and Transportation (DoT), officials from both agencies said on Dec. 17. […]

The Department of Energy’s (DoE) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reported numerous cybersecurity weaknesses at DoE and issued 54 recommendations to the agency throughout Fiscal Year 2019, according to a report released on Nov. 19. […]

The Department of Energy (DoE) had weaknesses that held the department back from effectively managing cybersecurity on its IT systems, according to a summary of DoE’s FISMA (Federal Information Security Modernization Act) audit released September 27 by the department’s inspector general. […]

quantum computing

The Department of Energy (DoE) upgraded its Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) to help measure how organizations effectively protect themselves from cyber threats. […]

Budget Federal spending

By a vote of 86-8, the Senate voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790) which includes funding to accelerate artificial intelligence solutions within the Defense Innovation Unit, enhancing cybersecurity, and cloud capabilities. […]

Professional services company, Accenture, has won a blanket purchase order agreement contract – worth a potential $2 billion – from the Department of Energy (DOE), according to a news release on the company’s website. […]
