President Trump issued an executive order today that the White House said requires Federal agencies “to focus hiring on the skills job seekers possess, rather than focusing on whether they have earned a college degree.” The White House said the order will transform the Federal hiring process “to replace one-size-fits-all, degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring.” […]
An executive order issued May 1 by President Trump declares a national emergency regarding the threat posed by “the unrestricted acquisition or use” in the U.S. of bulk-power system electric equipment made by “foreign adversaries,” and lays the groundwork for the government to ban the use of that equipment going forward. […]
President Trump issued an executive order late Tuesday that will close all Federal government executive departments and agencies on Dec. 24, and excuse their employees from work. The order gives department and agency heads leeway to determine that certain offices and installations will remain open on Dec. 24 “for reasons of national security, defense, or […]
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is proposing rules that would make it less complicated for managers to fire Federal employees, in accordance with President Trump’s executive order on the Federal workforce. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a plan on Aug. 10 to prioritize Federal agency engagement in developing standards for artificial intelligence (AI), just before the deadline of an executive order issued in February that gave the agency 180 days to develop a plan. […]
The practical challenges of a sweeping effort to collect and analyze data from numerous Federal agencies are about to get a real-world test from President Trump’s most recent executive order. […]
China-based communications equipment maker Huawei said today that Google has begun the process of cutting off Huawei’s access to Android hardware and software services support. […]
President Donald Trump declared a “national emergency” when he signed an executive order (EO) today that would grant Federal authority to prohibit the adoption of foreign adversaries’ telecom suppliers. […]
A new executive order released today by the White House establishes a rotational assignment program for Federal cybersecurity personnel, requires agencies to incorporate cybersecurity aptitude assessments into their personnel development programs, and emphasizes the adoption of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Framework in government contracts, among other measures. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is in the process of creating a plan for developing standards and tools to support artificial technologies and are currently seeking information on helping NIST “understand the current state, plans, challenges, and opportunities regarding the development and availability of AI technical standards.” […]
President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order that shifts responsibility for Federal government “security, suitability, and credentialing” background investigations to the Department of Defense (DoD) – making official a move that has long been in the works. […]
President Trump on Tuesday issued an Executive Order that puts into place a range of policy actions to increase awareness of the danger that electromagnetic pulse (EMP) episodes pose to electric grids and technology networks, and the critical infrastructure assets that depend on them – and to at least soften the potentially disastrous impact of naturally occurring or man-made EMPs. […]
President Trump’s executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) announced by the White House today focuses on prioritizing Federal government investments in AI-driven projects, and development by Federal agencies of research and development budgets for AI that will support their core missions. […]
President Trump today issued an Executive Order that creates a structure to evaluate whether any foreign actors are attempting to influence U.S. elections and authorizes the government to impose “appropriate and meaningful sanctions against foreign individuals and entities determined to have engaged in election interference.” […]
This month marks the first anniversary for the American Technology Council (ATC), which was created by President Trump via Executive Order (EO) on May 1 of last year. […]
Recent government initiatives and executive orders have left Avi Bender, director of the National Technical Information Service, and Michael Whitaker, vice president of emerging solutions at ICF, optimistic about the future of Federal innovation and partnership with the private sector. […]
There are strong signals that President Donald Trump’s executive order on cybersecurity may still be weeks, if not months, away from hitting the street in final form. After leaking two draft versions in rapid succession, the White House finds itself struggling to define the metrics it will use to hold agency leaders accountable. […]
The latest draft of President Donald Trump’s long-awaited executive order on cybersecurity requires a plan for transitioning all Federal agencies to shared services for email, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, and directs senior officials to study the feasibility of transitioning agencies to one or more consolidated network architectures. […]
President Donald Trump was supposed to sign a sweeping cybersecurity executive order last month, but delayed its release shortly after meeting with senior national security leaders and industry experts. But the timing of the final order is far less important than the changes that are likely being made to the content of the order. […]