With the need for secure, reliable communications at an all-time government high, the solutions on EIS aren’t just in the “nice to have” category, they’re things your office “must have” if it is to continue meeting critical missions well, says Steve Boberski of Collab9. […]

Only one Federal agency achieved the highest scores in each of the cybersecurity framework areas in the Federal Information Security Management Act report for fiscal year 2016. The Federal Election Commission, which governs the financing of Federal elections, received top scores for identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents. […]

A low-key change has taken place that sources say has shifted the National Institute of Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity from a purely voluntary practice to a mandatory standard for Federal agencies….Reactions to the White House’s open source coding push….And grumbling about Silicon Valley imports. […]

The Federal government is the leading creator, collector, consumer, and communicator of information in the United States. If there are changes to its regulatory requirements, it is possible those changes will eventually spread into the commercial sector. Here’s what that sector needs to know. […]

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