Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
cybersecurity chip AI

The cybersecurity threats that have prompted wide-scale action to improve security across the Federal government are posing equal dangers to state and local governments, and officials said at FCW’s CDM Summit virtual event on November 4 that the same solutions being put into place by the Feds also are scalable and adaptable by state and local governments. […]


The Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) Program Management Office (PMO) is looking to hire three new technical leads to help the office work through the current deluge of TMF funding proposals and finish doling out the $1 billion given to the program in March’s American Rescue Plan Act, the office posted on its site and […]


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive shift in the Federal workplace, first pushing the majority of the workforce to virtual environments, and then leading to the rise of hybrid environments. Robin Carnahan, General Services Administration (GSA) administrator, said this week the time is now to reimagine how people work. […]


The General Services Administration’s (GSA) project for further development of its authentication and identity proofing services won by far the largest share of funding from the Technology Modernization Fund’s (TMF) awards totaling $311 million announced late last month. […]

General Services Administration GSA

Dominic Sale, who for years helped lead Federal government IT modernization efforts at the General Services Administration (GSA), left government service earlier this month for a new position with Dynamic Integrated Services (DIS), a provider of IT, enterprise, and communications solutions to government and other customers. […]


The General Services Administration (GSA) is working on setting up a Cloud Marketplace for Federal agencies, with the first phase of the project coming in fiscal year (FY) 2022 and a request for information also being worked on, a GSA official said today. […]


There is no “one size fits all” for an agency’s cloud journey, but chief information officers (CIOs) from the General Services Administration (GSA) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) offered some top-level advice for agencies to help them along their journey. […]

USDA Agriculture
General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services (TTS) is looking for a contractor who can assist the agency in its remote identity proofing process to validate government-issued IDs with data via the platform, according to a request for information (RFI). […]


While cloud adoption by government agencies accelerated greatly during the pandemic, Federal experts agree that agencies need to create “purpose-built clouds,” as opposed to undertaking “lift and shift” cloud migrations, in order to achieve the best operational outcomes. […]


Federal agency demand for cloud service products in the General Services Administration’s (GSA) FedRAMP marketplace showed a 60 percent year-over-year jump in the first half of Fiscal Year 2021, as agencies continued their move to cloud services in order to deal with pandemic-driven tech needs and IT modernization priorities. […]

General Services Administration GSA

According to a request for information (RFI) posted to, the General Services Administration (GSA) wants to improve data collection, analysis, and transparency around government IT purchases and is looking for a vendor to support this broad effort. […]

federal workforce worker hired-min

The General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services (TTS) organization is planning to hire more than 100 new people this year – representing a 28 percent jump in headcount – to meet booming agency demand for its services to numerous Federal agencies. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The previously proposed merger by the Trump Administration of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA) will soon dissolve. The administrative resources and functions that support the Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council will return to OPM after more than a year under GSA responsibilities. […]


As artificial intelligence (AI) adoption continues to grow across the Federal government, officials said on July 15 it’s important to share lessons learned across the government, and spoke about the importance of operational and organization efficiencies in the AI adoption process. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration has launched its new Innovation Adoption Community of Practice (CoP) to learn, share, and adopt innovative approaches and new ways of working within organizations. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The Senate confirmed by voice vote late Wednesday the nomination of Robin Carnahan to lead the General Services Administration (GSA). Carnahan, who was nominated by President Biden on April 6, brings a wealth of IT and agency-specific experience to the new post. […]

As Federal agencies transition to all-Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) systems, having solid security policies and determining how security teams can monitor the IPv6 transition is essential to fully implementing steps to complete the transition, IT industry officials said on June 16. […]


While the Federal government certifies cloud vendors as secure through the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), an official at the Government Accountability Organization (GAO) shared striking statistics about agencies going outside of the program for cloud vendors, which can lead to vulnerabilities. […]

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today approved by voice vote the Biden administration’s nominees to lead the General Services Administration (GSA), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and to take the role of National Cyber Director. […]

General Services Administration GSA

Major Federal government IT and cybersecurity modernization plans – from the rapid deployment of zero trust architectures and 5G technologies to the adoption of IoT and smart infrastructures – depend upon a scalable, robust and agile network infrastructure as a foundation for such advances.  The Federal government has committed to the full transition to IPv6 as its basis for network modernization, and in November 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a policy that outlined the strategic intent for the government to deliver its information services, operate its networks, and access the services of others using only IPv6. […]


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that the 25 percent occupancy restriction for Federal offices has been lifted, and agencies will soon be able to increase the number of employees in their physical workplaces. […]
