Tasked with distributing stimulus checks during the pandemic, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been hobbled by decades of insufficient funding and legacy IT causing agencywide inefficiencies at a time when Americans rely heavily on the agency’s services. Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., an official from the Government Accountability Office, and the IRS commissioner all agreed today that sustained modernization funding is necessary to bring the agency up to date and meet mission critical objectives. […]


Department of Agriculture (USDA) CIO Gary Washington is crediting the agency’s modernization efforts for smooth service delivery and mass telework during the COVID-19 pandemic, but he’s also saying that the agency isn’t slowing down its transformation efforts as it looks toward a post-pandemic future. […]


A Government Accountability Office (GAO) official said on Sept. 16 that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is taking action on several major IT modernization and cybersecurity issues that GAO has flagged in recent years, but that the agency still has a lot of work to do to address many of them. […]


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) made three new recommendations to the agency on improving its cloud adoption, data center migration, and legacy IT oversight efforts in a new report released August 10. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved by voice vote today several tech-related legislative measures including S. 4200, which would direct the General Services Administration (GSA) to establish an IT modernization Centers of Excellence (CoE) program that would facilitate adoption of modern technology by executive branch agencies. […]


Federal agencies have simultaneously adjusted core functions to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while making substantial progress on implementing cross-agency priority (CAP) goals, says the July 2020 update of President’s Management Agenda (PMA) progress. […]


Across the Federal government, said Peter Ranks, deputy CIO for the information enterprise at the Department of Defense (DoD), and Jeanette Manfra, former assistant director for cybersecurity at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, more holistic IT modernization is necessary both during and following government’s reliance on widespread telework. […]

The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) became the latest agency to partner with the General Services Administration (GSA) on a Centers of Excellence (CoE) initiative on May 7 to boost the agency’s technology modernization efforts. […]

State Department

The State Department workforce is at about 90 percent telework, with the remaining 10 percent performing duties not transferrable to telework such as driving, CIO Stuart McGuigan announced at the April 21 AFCEA breakfast. […]

While the sudden transition to mass telework may have created some initial hurdles for Federal agencies, Federal CIO Suzette Kent said that the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) IT modernization initiatives remain in full swing. […]

Since 2014, the beginning of CIO Joseph Klimavicz’s tenure, the Department of Justice (DoJ) has achieved $600 million in IT cost avoidance, reduced cyber risk by 70 percent, and streamlined its 23 email systems into one cloud-based solution. […]

Anil Cheriyan, Director of Technology Transformation Services (TTS) at the General Services Administration (GSA), said Dec. 11 that legacy, talent, and culture – not just technology – are the biggest challenges to IT modernization. […]


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) lacked the IT systems necessary to accurately track migrant families separated under the agency’s Zero Tolerance Policy, according to a DHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report released on Nov. 25. […]

USPS Postal Service

The United States Post Office’s (USPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Semiannual Report to Congress lists infrastructure modernization, IT, and cybersecurity as some of the agency’s most critical management challenges. […]

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is looking to modernize its IT, and is looking for industry help to develop a new enterprise architecture, according to a request for information released October 3. […]


Agencies are mostly making progress on the White House’s IT modernization goals – with many goals completed, most remaining goals on track, and a few challenge areas – according to a President’s Management Agenda (PMA) update released September 19. […]


Legacy IT systems and limited authority for the agency’s CIO slowed the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) emergency response activities in 2017, according to an audit by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released August 27. […]

Vice Admiral Robert Sharp, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), said today that modernizing the agency’s IT infrastructure and hastening the adoption of automation and artificial intelligence technologies are key pillars of NGA’s “Mission Tomorrow” objectives that the agency has set out in its 2025 strategy. […]

White House

The White House’s proposed FY2020 budget includes $87.70 billion for IT spending, an increase of close to $1 billion for civilian agencies, but a decrease of nearly $1.25 billion in unclassified defense IT spending, according to the Analytical Perspectives document released today by the Office of Management and Budget. […]

Machine learning AI modernization

During a webinar today hosted by Federal News Network, Harry Singh, CIO of the Department of Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing, spoke about the bureau’s effort to get its user stakeholders more engaged in the planning phases to modernizing its technology. […]

data sharing
Machine learning AI modernization

A new survey on the impact of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) issued in March reveals positive responses to the document but also some of the biggest challenges on the PMA’s key drivers of IT modernization, data usage, and the workforce. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

Agencies looking to modernize their systems and processes can’t be perfectionists. Instead, IT departments need to build on an iterative approach and embrace continuous improvement, said Federal IT leaders during an event on Thursday hosted by GovLoop. […]


Ninety-seven percent of Federal finance and procurement professionals feel they aren’t fully prepared for the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act and the new creative vehicles it provides agencies to fund IT modernization initiatives, according to a new study. […]
