Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has named Karl Mathias, who had served as the chief information officer (CIO) of the United States Marshals Service since January 2015, as its next CIO, an agency spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk March 3. […]

IT modernization in the Federal government will require collaboration, effective policies, and a focus on the true end-goal: improving the government experience for citizens, said agency CIOs and industry leaders at a May 23 FedInsider webinar on IT modernization. […]

Cloud infrastructure may be the safest place to store an agency’s most sensitive data, department of Justice officials said at an AWS Public Sector Summit. “I’d say it’s a pretty good place to put your crown jewels,” said Karl Mathias, chief information officer for the United States Marshals Service, adding that commercial clouds may end up being safer than an agency’s own data centers. […]
