Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Women don’t yet have the highest representation in leadership roles in the Federal government – especially in the senior executive ranks – and several women leaders in government offered advice for women looking to advance in the Federal government, encouraging them to create their own opportunities and pay it forward to others. […]

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The 117th Congress is finalizing its lineup of new leadership for House committees and subcommittees. Although some committee leadership remains the same, here are the names to pay attention to in the Federal IT world. […]

As the reality of cyber threats and data breaches becomes closer to normal life for private and public sector organizations, a Nominet report finds that while executives know cyber risks are high, they still lack resources and accountability for handling breaches and information security. […]

As the Federal government modernizes its technology, IT executives must help guide employees through that transformation and help them adjust to shifting roles in IT, said a panel of Federal technology executives at Digital Government Institute’s 930Gov conference on Tuesday. […]

As the new year begins, Alfred Rivera, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Development and Business Center, will retire from the Federal government. Rivera, who stepped down today, has been in the Federal service for 35 years, and spent all but 10 of those years at DISA. Rivera will begin consulting following his retirement from the public sector.  […]

A new global survey by Deloitte Digital aims to understand what factors contribute to digital transformation success in government and the barriers that lead to some agencies becoming digital laggards. In a 44-page study based on the survey and more than 140 interviews with public sector officials from more than 70 countries, Deloitte authors William […]
