Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

As Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Kurt DelBene prepares to head out before the Trump administration takes office, the CIO shared lessons learned on Thursday during his tenure from the agency’s IT modernization efforts – including that “big bang” modernizations don’t work. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) told members of Congress on Thursday that it has “80 percent” confidence that the agency will meet its goals and newly updated budget under the Digital GI Bill (DGIB) program – an IT modernization project that aims to improve the education benefits processing system. […]


As the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is preparing to restart deployment activities for its Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program in fiscal year (FY) 2025, lawmakers are asking the agency to hold off – and in the words of one of them – to avoid a potential “disaster.” […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is coming under fire once again for an inefficient IT program, with members of the House VA Subcommittee on Technology Modernization Oversight expressing their concern this week over the VA’s Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTS-3). […]

As the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) nears a contract award for its Supply Chain Modernization (SCM) program, lawmakers are calling on the VA to provide more information on the coming contract to avoid another “failed” IT modernization project. […]


Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., has been named chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Technology Modernization – a subcommittee that oversees big-ticket tech issues such as the agency’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program – and is wasting little time in targeting the program. […]


Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., wrote a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) urging it to address an issue with its Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program that requires a double-entry process for pharmacists to prescribe medication to veterans. […]
