Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
quantum computing

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee on Nov. 29 unanimously voted to approve legislation to reauthorize the 2018 National Quantum Initiative Act, which will enable  Federal agencies to continue ongoing research into quantum computing technology. […]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is investing in introducing quantum information science (QIS) into K-12 schools, awarding a $750,000 award to an Illinois-based organization that is looking to spread quantum-related curricula. […]

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The United States has formally joined the race for the next big thing–quantum computing– hoping to keep pace with China in developing the technology that could revolutionize everything about the way computing is done and quickly make current approaches obsolete. […]

President Trump on Friday signed into law H.R. 6227, the “National Quantum Initiative Act,” which establishes a National Quantum Initiative Program to accelerate Federal government efforts to develop quantum information science and technology applications. […]

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The House voted late yesterday to approve H.R. 6227, the National Quantum Initiative Act, which would create a Federal program to speed quantum research and development “for the economic and national security” of the United States. […]

quantum computing AI min

The Senate on Dec. 13 approved by unanimous consent HR 6227, the National Quantum Initiative Act, which would create a Federal program to speed quantum research and development “for the economic and national security” of the United States. […]

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The House on Thursday approved by voice vote H.R.6227, the National Quantum Initiative Act, which would coordinate a Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development “for the economic and national security” of the United States. […]
