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Santa's Sleigh

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) once again confirmed it has a special mission on Dec. 24: to track Santa Claus’ Christmas journey, marking its 69th year of tracking Santa’s whereabouts as he and his reindeer travel around the world. […]

Santa's Sleigh

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed it will once again track Santa’s Christmas journey this year, marking its 68th anniversary of tracking Santa’s whereabouts as he and his reindeer travel around the globe on Dec. 24. […]

Santa's Sleigh

In keeping with tradition, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed it has a special mission on Dec. 24: to track Santa’s Christmas journey, marking its 67th year of tracking Santa’s whereabouts as he and his reindeer travel around the world. […]

Santa's Sleigh

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed it will be tracking Santa’s Christmas journey this year, marking its 66th anniversary of tracking Santa’s whereabouts as he and his reindeer travel around the globe on Dec. 24. […]

US tech

Canada and the United States have agreed to modernize the abilities of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to better meet evolving threats, the nations said in a joint statement. […]

Over at the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), the agency is working on connecting the U.S. Army with innovative commercial technology companies as part of a big push for modernization, with many defense projects dealing with large-scale data. […]

A partial government shutdown can’t stop the Christmas spirit. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) assured people on Twitter that a partial government shutdown would not stop the 63 year tradition of tracking Santa Claus’ location. […]
