Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

After delivering a minimum viable capability for its data-centric command and control (C2) effort, the Department of Defense (DoD) is now focused on deploying enterprise enablers through its new Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories (Open DAGIR) program, ensuring that this capability is accessible across combatant commands at the strategic level. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Pentagon is preparing to re-compete its Advana enterprise data and analytics platform, transitioning from its current contracting vehicle to a new model, with plans for a 10-year, multi-vendor contract worth up to $15 billion, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO) Radha Plumb announced during an industry day event on Wednesday. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) issued a call to industry on Thursday for solutions for contested logistics and sustainment to support and enhance collaboration across combatant commands and international allies. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Department of Defense (DoD) is poised to recompete its Advana data system and plans to update the platform’s current contract to allow for a wider range of potential vendors, a senior Pentagon technology official said. During an online seminar hosted by the Center for Strategic & International Studies on July 15, DoD Chief Data […]


Pentagon Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO) Radha Plumb is rolling out a new plan to bring in more companies to support the Defense Department’s (DoD) effort to scale its data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities – with DoD’s Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) as the first program in line for support. […]
