Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
5G wireless infrastructure technology

Nine more companies have joined the Open RAN Policy Coalition, bringing the total number of members to 54. The coalition, formed in May, is seeking to promote policies to open up the radio access networks– a key part of the architecture necessary for 5G wireless services. […]

With no U.S.-based companies dominating the worldwide market for network equipment that underlies 5G wireless services, and with the U.S. in the midst of a years-long campaign to ban Chinese network equipment makers from U.S. and allies’ markets, perhaps the most important battle for the longer-term future of 5G network infrastructure is gearing up now in and near the halls of power in Washington, D.C. […]

The national security community of the United States has found itself in a conundrum in the last few years, warning other countries about the risks of the China-based company Huawei, but unable to provide an American alternative for 5G networks. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

The Virginia-based company Ligado announced it is joining the Open RAN Policy Coalition, a group created to promote policies of openness and interoperability in a key part of the architecture used by mobile devices particularly for 5G use. […]

While telecommunications providers in the United States prepare to rip out and replace gear from China-based Huawei and the United Kingdom has moved to eventually ban the company’s equipment from its 5G networks, the German government has officially stated its neutrality in the matter. […]

Sen. Mark Warner
Cell Phone Privacy

The Open RAN Policy Coalition pushed hard in a recent filing to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) that the group’s primary mission – promoting openness and interoperability in radio access networks for 5G wireless services – will boost U.S. national security as the U.S. and other nations increasingly roll out those networks. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

Nokia, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and U.S. Cellular joined the ranks of Amazon Web Services, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Verizon in the Open RAN Policy Coalition, formed last month to promote policies for openness and interoperability in a key part of the architecture used for 5G. The June 12 announcement of 14 new members brings the total number of companies in the coalition to 45. […]

broadband 5g -min

Over 30 technology companies, including Amazon Web Services, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Verizon, formed a coalition to promote policies for openness and interoperability in a key part of the architecture used by mobile devices, particularly for 5G use. […]
