OPM Office of Personnel Management

Both the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) agree that OPM is facing delays in handling retirement applications and needs to replace the paper-based process, but GAO urged OPM to come up with a more concrete IT modernization plan for the program in a report released Friday, June 14. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

House Democrats did not include funding for the Trump administration’s proposed merger of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and General Services Administration (GSA), opting instead to increase OPM’s funding in the draft Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) funding bill released Sunday. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released several resources to help agencies implement workforce reskilling efforts as technologies like robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) take on more tasks in the Federal government. […]

The Trump administration’s plan to reorganize the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) ran squarely into bipartisan concerns expressed by House members over a lack of information about the plan to move the agency’s functions to the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). […]

General Services Administration GSA

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA) announced an interagency agreement to build up GSA’s Technology Transformation Services’ (TTS) Centers of Excellence (CoE) initiative that will help stabilize OPM’s legacy IT systems and ease modernization efforts. […]

Senate hearing Congressional-min

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted to advance Dale Cabaniss’ nomination to lead the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on a voice vote Wednesday, despite some opposition from Democrats. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

Michael Rigas, deputy director at the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM), cited the agency’s low score on the most recent FITARA (Federal IT and Acquisition Reform Act) scores to justify its proposal to move the agency’s functions under the General Services Administration (GSA). […]

The Trump administration will propose legislation on Friday to move the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) under the General Services Administration (GSA) due to a severe need for structural changes and IT modernization, Acting OPM Director Margaret Weichert told reporters on Tuesday. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced a memorandum of agreement to provide DoD access to OPM’s USALearning platform for training activities. […]

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The Senate today unanimously passed the Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2019 today, moving the legislation one step closer to establishing a cyber workforce that can move between Federal agencies as needed. […]

supply chain risk management process automation

Over the past couple of years, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Critical Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) has been asking itself several questions to increase cross-agency governance for cybersecurity and supply chain management. […]

In releasing a batch of letters on priority open recommendations, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlighted IT and cybersecurity issues at the Departments of Education (Ed), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Treasury, and the Office Personnel Management (OPM). […]

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for natural language processing (NLP) to gain insights into complex language in government policy. […]

FITARA Awards 2019 - Congressman Gerald Connolly

A group of 19 House Democrats–many from districts close to Washington–asked leaders of the House Appropriations Committee in a letter dated today to put the brakes on a Trump administration plan to shift government functions currently performed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to the General Services Administration (GSA).  […]

federal workforce worker hired-min

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will increase the authority CIOs have over direct hiring decisions, according to a post on Federal Register. […]

Cyber workforce people
workforce database

After reviewing 24 Federal agencies that cover work in IT, cybersecurity, or cyber-related projects, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found in a report today that six of these agencies did not accurately categorize the work roles of their work positions and that 22 assigned non-IT roles to about 19 percent of their IT positions. […]

Federal money spending government

Democratic members of Congress from the Washington D.C. area sent a letter to the heads of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on Tuesday asking when the White House plans to implement the 1.9 percent annual pay raise for Federal civilian workers included in the spending bill passed in February that avoided a further partial government shutdown. […]

snow man capitol winter-min
Capitol Washington DC Federal

The Consolidated Appropriations Act–the bill negotiated by Democrats and Republicans in Congress that could fully fund several Federal agencies and avert another partial government shutdown–features a variety of funding for IT modernization projects at multiple agencies, according to the joint explanatory statement released with the bill: […]

A group of three Democratic representatives from the Capital region sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on Tuesday, asking for an update on back pay for Federal workers amid reports of discrepancies. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced today that Clare Martorana would replace a retiring David Garcia as CIO. […]


The Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) released a request for information on January 30 looking for vendors to help it implement a “one-stop shop” portal for comparing and enrolling in Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans. The RFI is open for questions until February 15, and open for responses until March 11. […]

snow man capitol winter-min

In anticipation of winter weather affecting the evening commute, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has announced a two-hour early departure for Federal personnel in the Washington D.C. area today, with an option to take unscheduled leave to stagger departure times. […]

White House flag at half mast

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on Sunday posted back-to-work guidance for Federal agencies and employees that were furloughed and/or required to work without pay during the partial government shutdown that began Dec. 22 and ended late Friday with congressional and White House approval of a continuing resolution to restart shuttered operations through Feb. 15. […]

winter snow day capitol-min

A group of D.C.-area senators expressed their concern over guidance from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that asks federal employees affected by the shutdown to continue paying dental and vision insurance premiums. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

Federal employees who scheduled “use-or-lose” annual leave at agencies affected by the partial government shutdown can have that time restored, according to a new memo released Thursday by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). […]

White House

After approval of some new amendments to exempt financial data and smaller agencies, H.R. 4174–the OPEN Government Data Act–passed both the House and the Senate on Friday and headed to President Trump’s desk to be signed into law. […]

Cyber workforce people

The Trump administration’s latest update of its recent activities to fulfill its CAP (cross-agency priority) goal action plan for shifting agencies’ attention to higher-value work shows that agencies working on the plan–including officials from the Office of Management Budget and the Department of Housing and Urban Development–have a busy 2019 schedule to advance the effort. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management
