Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate and the Transportation Security Administration announced the winners of their passenger screening algorithm challenge that solicited new automated detection algorithms to improve speed and accuracy of detecting “small threat objects” during airport passenger screening processes. […]

On Aug. 8, the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate announced the 2016 kickoff of its EMERGE 2016: Wearable Technology program. By Aug. 10, TechNexus, the venture collaborative organization tasked with accelerating the program, received about 200 responses from interested companies. […]

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration hosted an industry day to address companies’ questions regarding DHS’s Request for Information regarding mobile threats and defenses. […]

The Department of Homeland Security on Monday announced a program called Exemplar, in which DHS employees with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics will work for a six-month period at a for-profit, private sector company. On Tuesday, DHS received its first application from one such company. […]
