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The Open RAN Policy Coalition pushed hard in a recent filing to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) that the group’s primary mission – promoting openness and interoperability in radio access networks for 5G wireless services – will boost U.S. national security as the U.S. and other nations increasingly roll out those networks. […]

President Donald Trump signed two wireless bills into law Monday night, one to create a plan for the security of 5G networks and the other to ensure the accuracy of broadband data maps. […]

President Trump today appeared to back away from the notion that the Federal government ought to invest in a “wholesale” 5G wireless network, and instead backed policy that commits to “efficient spectrum use and spurring private-sector investment in 5G networks.” […]

A bill introduced by three senior senators would require the White House to develop a strategy to ensure the security of 5G wireless systems and infrastructure, but would also block the executive branch from recommending that 5G or subsequent generations of mobile communications infrastructure be “nationalized” by the government – a possibility that has been floated in recent weeks by an official connected with the Trump campaign organization. […]
