Blockchain link

The Government Accountability Office, in a two-year update to its “High-Risk List” issued today, has removed Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain management from its list of 35 pressing Federal government issues, citing progress by the Pentagon on addressing supply chain risk. […]

Cybersecurity cyber

Cybersecurity technologies provider Symantec reported that ransomware activity fell by 20 percent in 2018 on a year-over-year basis, but that the focus of attacks shifted sharply toward enterprises and away from consumers last year. […]

Sens. Mark Warner, D.-Va., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., introduced legislation on Friday to create an Office of Critical Technologies & Security at the White House to coordinate action across Federal agencies and develop a “whole of government” strategy to combat theft of U.S. technologies by state actors including China, and to reduce risks to “critical supply chains.” […]

supply chain risk management process automation

Regardless of whether Chinese hackers really did infiltrate more than two dozen U.S. companies and multiple government agencies through a supply-chain hardware hack, the bombshell report by Bloomberg Businessweek throws light on an ongoing problem facing the Department of Defense, among others. […]

Amid mounting concern about attacks by foreign adversaries on the Department of Homeland Security’s supply chain, two House subcommittees met today to discuss that threat and legislation proposed by the White House–the Federal Information Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Improvement Act–that would respond to the problem. […]
