Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Members of the Open Government Federal Advisory Committee (OG FAC) and other top Federal officials said on Wednesday that technology should be leveraged in developing the sixth U.S. Open Government National Action Plan (NAP 6).  […]

Army DoD military Defense AI
IT modernization data center
Russia hack

Witnesses warned lawmakers at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee hearing on Feb. 27 that U.S.-made technology is getting into Russian military hands and weaponry despite sanctions in place aimed at preventing that from happening. […]

Traci DiMartini GSA

A senior General Services Administration (GSA) official said on September 13 that bold leadership from the top, and a willingness to explore new approaches, is driving the agency forward in efforts to remake the next generation of Federal workforces and work places. […]

In response to President Biden’s first executive order in office that aims to advance racial equity and support for underserved communities, the White House on April 14 released summaries of the equity plans agencies have put forth to meet the EO’s requirements. […]

The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is in the process of beefing up its infrastructure, technology, policy, and procedures with a broader aim toward modernizing business processes and promoting evidence-based decisions, asset management, and knowledge sharing. […]

White House

Welcome to the first installment of The Situation Report, a weekly column by MeriTalk Executive Editor Dan Verton that takes an honest and discerning look at the programs, policies, and people behind government information technology. When does a call to service cross the line and become an exercise in groveling at the feet of a […]

The U.S. military may find itself incapable of achieving decisive victory on the battlefields of the future unless it fixes its broken acquisition system and begins to experiment with new war-fighting concepts involving radical new technological capabilities. […]
