Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Data may be the new oil, or even gold – but only if agencies can capture, structure and put it to use. So, what can government agencies do to take back control and unlock their data potential? And, how are they applying data regulations like the Federal Data Strategy and Evidence-Based Policymaking Act to abstract data complexity while also increasing privacy? […]

big data

The Federal government is poised to issue a lengthy list of directions in the near future that will irrevocably launch agencies into a new era of data awareness, leverage, practice, and usage – along with all of the practical and policy work that goes along with it. […]

Maria Roat, chief information officer at the Small Business Administration, provided a run-down of her office’s extensive to-do list during a keynote address on Thursday at the Veritas Public Sector Vision Day event, and emphasized the importance of laying the proper data-management policy groundwork before embarking on cloud deployments and forays into artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. […]
