The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is looking to leverage the cloud for its intelligence unit as the demands of cyber combat and maritime activities are pushing the unit to embrace technology, according to a request for information released November 22. Responses are due by December 20.
The Coast Guard’s Office of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems and Technology is looking to use cloud to replace its legacy network, leverage tools used by others in the intelligence community, and improve its handling of data.
“Recent geopolitical events coupled with emerging cyber warfare threats have spurred USCG Intelligence to establish initiatives to become more efficient, improve our mission support delivery infrastructure, and transition our aging network assets to a cloud-based environment,” the RFI notes.
On cloud modernization, USCG is looking to a multi-cloud strategy, and wants help with moving data between providers. The service is also looking for help on migration plans, training plans for staff, and establishing the right governance model. The RFI includes the desire to improve data management in the cloud as well, by leveraging services from cloud providers.
Outside of cloud, the RFI also states USCG’s desire for assistance in updating cybersecurity policies, conducting cybersecurity assessments, and providing program support in general for the office.
One unique aspect of the RFI is the need to work across requirements from multiple areas of government. USCG mentions the need to comply with policies from its parent agency – the Department of Homeland Security – but also with policies from the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. Aspiring contractors will need Top Secret clearance to work across the range of sensitive data in the office.