Software-maker trade group BSA sent a letter to leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees on Thursday urging modernization of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) supply chain security and software acquisition approach in the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act.
“Both as the Federal government’s largest department and as the government’s leading innovator of security technologies, DoD is well positioned to play a leading role in setting policy courses in relation to software development, cybersecurity, and workforce development that can serve as examples to the rest of the government and beyond,” BSA VP of Legislative Strategy Craig Albright wrote.
BSA wants Congress to act on adopting internationally recognized risk management standards for suppliers, enforce standards through vendor contracts, and improve transparency of supply chain policies and processes. It also wants more support for research and development into technologies that foster supply chain integrity, and recommends that DoD “refrain from systemic interventions in global supply chains,” while also avoiding isolationist approaches.
“BSA looks forward to working with the Committee to ensure that the Department’s implementation is transparent, that is solicits and incorporates feedback from impacted stakeholders, and that it advances models for software assurance that operate effectively in a global context,” Albright wrote.