The Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Science (SC) Nuclear Physics (NP) program is seeking interdisciplinary applications for open scientific research on quantum information science (QIS) and quantum computing to explore all forms of nuclear matter.
According to a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), DoE’s Quantum Horizons: QIS Research and Innovation for Nuclear Science is “a new initiative to identify, prioritize, and coordinate emerging opportunities in both fundamental research and use-inspired challenges at the interface of NP and QIS Technology (QIST).”
The topics that the Quantum Horizons program is seeking applications on include:
- Quantum computing;
- Quantum simulations and simulators;
- Quantum sensing;
- Nuclear physics detectors;
- Nuclear many-body problem;
- “Squeezed” quantum states;
- Entanglement at collider energies; and
- Gauge theories and other novel areas of basic research.
DoE said it hopes to explore and understand all forms of nuclear matter that both exist and no longer exist. The Quantum Horizons program “emphasizes the science-first approach and is informed by the results of NP community research workshops ‘Opportunities for Nuclear Physics & Quantum Information Science’ and ‘Quantum Computing for Theoretical Nuclear Physics’ and the ‘National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science,’ the Interagency Working Group on [QIS] and the [NP] and [QIS] report by the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee.”
The NP is looking for applications to at least one or two research opportunities, of which there are five that are outlined in the FOA. The submission deadline for letters of intent is May 21, 2021.