Acting FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced the appointment of three new members to the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC), which provides expertise for local, state, and Tribal governments.
The new appointees include: Lisa Babcock, East Lansing, Mich. City Council Member; Lynn Board, Gaithersburg, Md. City Attorney; and Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland, Ore.
Per the Commission’s rules, the IAC consists of 30 members, with a minimum of four elected municipal officials; two elected county officials; one elected or appointed local government attorney; one elected state executive; three elected state legislators; one elected or appointed public utilities or public service commissioner; and three elected or appointed Tribal representatives.
“Two of the new appointments will fill vacancies created by the departure of former Gilbert, Az. Mayor Jenn Daniels, who left office, and former Virginia Beach, Va. Associate City Attorney Debra Bryan, who took another position with the City of Virginia Beach,” a public notice said. “East Lansing, Mich. City Councilwoman Lisa Babcock will fill the vacancy of an elected municipal official and Gaithersburg, Md. City Attorney Lynn Board will fill the vacancy of an elected or appointed local government attorney.”

The third appointment is due to the expansion of IAC from thirty to thirty-one members by a temporary waiver of the Commission’s rules to “increase the geographic diversity of voices on the IAC.”
Further, the new members will serve through the IAC’s current term, which ends Sept. 22, 2022.