Seven Federal agency chief information officers and their senior staffs won well-deserved recognition earlier this month for boosting their agencies’ grades on the latest FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) Scorecard issued by the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
At MeriTalk’s FITARA Awards ceremony held Sept. 10 at the Russell House Office Building on Capitol Hill, the winning CIOs and their teams earned high praise for their efforts from Federal CIO Suzette Kent and Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., chairman of the House Government Operations Subcommittee.
In addition to bragging rights – at least until the next FITARA Scorecard comes out in December – each of the winning agencies earned recognition for impressive improvements in one or more FITARA grading categories that run the gamut from MGT Act, to cybersecurity progress, to CIO authorities.
And the winners are…
National Science Foundation for Best in Scorecard Category (FISMA):

Education Department, for Best Overall:

General Services Administration, for Best Overall:

Small Business Administration, for Best Overall:

Treasury Department, for Most Improved:

Justice Department, for Most Improved:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, for Most Improved: