With more than a month of quarantine under our belts, hopefully, everyone has settled into the new normal of teleworking.
As our offices have moved into our homes, many have gained some new four-legged coworkers. While we may enjoy the extra time with our pets, our furry friends have had a mixed response. Some seem to enjoy photobombing our video calls, while others seem annoyed that nap time has been disrupted by our meetings.
Here at MeriTalk we’ve been focused on how to build a sense of community in Fed IT while we are all working remotely. With that in mind, we thought we’d share a little bit about our newest coworkers.
We really love our furry friends, so we’ve got too many to share in just one article. Up first, is our canine friends of the larger variety. Check back for the smaller versions and some feline friends.
Natty Boh isn’t happy that her naptimes are being interrupted.
Like her name suggests, Daisy loves flowers. Here is she is enjoying some lovely daffodils.
Eva Lou keeps things lively in quarantine with a bold tie-dye kerchief.
Rocket believes you need to start every day with a smile on your snout.
Somebunny really enjoyed Easter this year – and that somebunny is Rosie.
Sonny can see the sun at the end of the quarantine tunnel.
No need to adjust your monitor. This isn’t actually a dog. But, Cookie wanted to be included and we wanted to avoid those horns.