State Department
Pentagon Military Defense DoD

At the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), leaders rely on crafting problem statements, quick prototyping, and commercial competition to fuel mission critical innovation, Director of Strategic Engagement Mike Madsen explained at the July 15 FCW DoD Cloud Workshop. […]

U.S. Patent Trademark Office USPTO Commerce

Leveraging the value of data through sophisticated and secure sharing, collaboration, and governance technologies represents the next phase – and one of the most important payoffs – of IT modernization, officials from data warehouse provider Snowflake and cloud data integration service provider Talend said July 8 during a webinar hosted by MeriTalk. […]

Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat this week shared success stories of accelerated IT modernization during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Small Business Administration (SBA) and across the Federal government, while emphasizing the importance of programs such as the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) to continue long-term modernization. […]

rural broadband 5g fcc -min

The Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced that its National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM) now has 20 participating states. In a July 10 statement, NTIA confirmed that Wyoming and Washington State have been added to the NBAM. […]

FCC, Chinese suppliers

Less than two weeks before the chief executive officers of Google and Apple are scheduled to appear before the House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, the chairman of a different House panel is asking the companies’ CEOs to take steps to ensure smartphone applications do not compromise national security. […]

While the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced last week that it awarded the final $10 million under its $200 million COVID-19 Telehealth Program authorized by the CARES Act, FCC Chairman Ajit Pail talked today about the success of the program, and expressed hope that lawmakers authorize similar programs in the future that will allow the commission to distribute funding quickly. […]

A rule change prohibiting Federal use of telecommunications services and equipment from companies that pose national security risks – such as China-based Huawei and ZTE – will cost $11 billion to implement and $2 billion each subsequent year, according to a July 14 Federal Register announcement from the Department of Defense (DoD), General Services Administration (GSA), and NASA. […]


While the majority of Federal agencies are meeting completeness, timeliness, and accuracy benchmarks for Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) reporting, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded that compliance with the legislation still varies across agencies. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

With the base bills for the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act now out of committee in both the House and Senate, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission is continuing its work to see its recommendations in the final legislation. […]

contract acquisition CFO
DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense (DoD) has named Michael Kratsios as acting under secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. The designation is effective July 10 and Kratsios will continue to serve as Federal CTO and deputy assistant to the president at the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. “In seeking to fill this […]

General Services Administration GSA

Bob DeLuca, who recently began as deputy CIO of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), will be returning to the General Services Administration (GSA) as acting Technology Transformation Service (TTS) director and the deputy Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) commissioner on detail. […]

The Commonwealth of Virginia’s cloud-based data sharing platform is pulling double duty in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to its original purpose combating the opioid crisis, the state’s chief data office said July 9 during a webinar hosted by AWS and MeriTalk. […]

FCC, Chinese suppliers

As part of its overall IT modernization strategy, the FDA is looking towards developing next-generation data centers. In a request for information (RFI) posted July 9, the FDA said it is “seeking information and input from the [private sector] for planning purposes for modernization, transformation and innovations for reengaging the FDA’s Next Generation Data Center efforts.” […]

Veterans Affairs VA Vets

As part of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is tacking to major IT priorities – improving the veteran experience with and expanding telehealth services. As part of its July update, the Department reported on how the VA is progressing towards achieving its agency priority goals. […]

The leaders of the House subcommittee responsible for drafting Federal privacy legislation agreed on Thursday about the need to resume working together in order to pass a national standard, while the panel’s top Republican called for clarity on liability protections. […]

Army DoD military Defense AI

The newest Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) mission initiative in “joint information warfare” is making progress, according to Nand Mulchandani, who took over as acting director of the Defense Department AI development center last month. […]
