Patrick Halley has joined USTelecom as its new senior vice president of Advocacy and Regulatory Affairs. Halley, who was a partner at the law firm Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP (WBK), had his first official day with the broadband industry group on Wednesday. While he was with WBK, Halley specialized in advising communications providers and trade associations on strategic, policy, and legal matters. Halley previously worked for the Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau, and NENA–The 911 Association. “I am thrilled Patrick is joining USTelecom to lead our advocacy and regulatory affairs team,” said USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter. “A nationally-recognized communications policy strategist, Patrick brings deep insight into the regulatory and policy opportunities ahead for the rapidly growing broadband innovation community, its allies, and partners. He will be a great advocate for USTelecom’s members and for the promise and potential of broadband for consumers everywhere.”