The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Senate Budget Committee voted today to support Shalanda Young’s nomination as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted along party lines this morning with a 7-6 vote to support Young for deputy director. Although Young previously received praise from Republicans for the position, many committee Republicans today said Young’s written answers stating her support to repeal the Hyde Amendment caused them to change their minds.
“I was really troubled by her responses, particularly her strong advocacy for eliminating the Hyde Amendment,” Ranking Member Rob Portman, R-Ohio, said. “This is one where our country is so deeply divided on abortion, we’ve been able to come together and decide at a minimum, let’s not tell people who have a deep view, based on their conscience on this, that they have to pay taxpayer funds for abortion.”
However, Chairman Gary Peters, D-Mich., disagreed with his colleagues saying, “she is incredibly qualified for the position and has a proven track record of working effectively in a bipartisan way.”
“Young stated that ending the Hyde Amendment is a matter of economic and racial justice because its impact is felt the most among low-income women of color. This is simply a statement of fact, but she also confirmed that she will follow current law, which includes the Hyde Amendment,” Sen. Peters said. “So, I have a hard time following the objections of my Republican colleagues who have otherwise sung Miss Young’s praises as a qualified nominee.”
As for the Senate Budget Committee, members voted this afternoon to approve Young 14-8 on a more bipartisan basis.
Currently, Young serves as staff director and clerk for the House Appropriations Committee and has over 14 years of combined experience in various roles with the committee. Young’s nomination has garnered attention as she’s gained increased support from Congress to serve as director of OMB, after the withdrawal of Neera Tanden’s nomination. President Biden has yet to announce his pick for OMB director.
Young has stated her support for several Federal IT items, including upgrades to legacy IT systems and the Technology Modernization Fund.