The Senate on July 10 voted to approve the nomination of Anne Marie Wagner for a five-year term on the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), which is charged with promoting and establishing fair labor practices in the Federal government.
Wagner was nominated to the position on the three-member FLRA in January by President Biden and was confirmed on a 55-37 Senate vote.
She will join FLRA Chairman Susan Tsui Grundmann and Member Colleen Duffy Kiko to help oversee the labor-management relations program for more than two million non-Postal Service Federal employees.
Wagner has spent the past nine years as associate special counsel in the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and led OSC’s General Law Division.
Prior to her service with OSC, Wagner was vice chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board from 2009 to 2015. Before that, she was general counsel of the Personnel Appeals Board at the Government Accountability Office.