U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a request for information (RFI) regarding the private sector capabilities to support key capabilities of an Incident-Driven Video Recording System (IDVRS) program – body-worn cameras (BWC), video management systems (VMS), IT infrastructure, cloud-based storage systems, and other interrelated systems supporting incident-driven recordings.
CBP recently deployed an IDVRS, which it claims can assist in providing transparency into CBP operations and record interactions between CBP law enforcement personnel and the public. The agency is looking for technological support for its new solution.
In terms of the footage gathered by the IDVRS, CBP said it anticipates storing most footage in the cloud. CBP also noted the agency must maintain government ownership of the data indefinitely. In terms of specific storage requirements, the RFI explained that all footage is considered law enforcement-sensitive data and must be stored following Federal laws, regulations, and requirements.
The eventual solution must be FedRAMP certified at a moderate or greater authority level. Additionally, it must also be able to automatically activate whenever it detects that a weapon has been removed from a holster.
In the RFI, CBP said it is currently implementing a targeted deployment of IDVRS to a select number of locations where fixed camera systems do not record agent interactions with the public. It is now interested in understanding existing market capabilities to equip CBP with additional cameras.
CBP is not the only Federal agency interested in body-worn cameras. In February 2021, the Secret Service issued an RFI and said it was looking to purchase approximately 2,000 cloud-based body cameras for its agents. The RFI noted that the eventual contract would be a firm-fixed-price contract.
The Secret Service’s RFI detailed a wide range of requirements for body-worn cameras. In addition to being able to record during high and low temperatures and inclement weather events, the cameras also must have long battery life and be able to automatically activate whenever it detects that a weapon has been removed from a holster.