The United States Air Force (USAF) wants to change the way it does business, and that means looking to ruthless governance to innovate at a higher level.
Speaking at a virtual event hosted by Dcode, USAF Chief Information Officer Lauren Knausenberger said her “real push over the next year is to revamp the way that we do business,” in both the mission and business realms.
“We really do have to provide an easy-to-follow service catalog of services that people want to use, where people know exactly what the service is, how to buy it, and they can consume it easily, they know where to go to get it,” Knausenberger said. “We can solve so many problems faster and save so much money if we can get folks and things that work really well.”
Knausenberger said the USAF needs to make tough decisions when it comes to architecture and what business and mission applications to use.
“A lot of it I think is going to be complete rewrites because we can do better. We can do better user experience,” Knausenberger said. “There’s a lot of opportunity to modernize through ruthless governance … that is the right approach, to help people to innovate at a higher level and not feel like they have to start over from scratch every time.”
According to Knausenberger, the COVID-19 pandemic has helped USAF to innovate and speed along its modernization process, but it still lacks collaboration.
“The biggest problem I see now actually is trying to make sure that people are innovating together. And that’s naturally happening a little bit more because we do have enterprise collaboration tools now,” Knausenberger said. “The big challenge now is getting the people that are innovating everywhere to innovate together.”