Program for the Virtual Conference
From filling gaps in CDM capabilities and prioritizing cloud security, to introducing high-value asset (HVA) pilots and securing mobile devices, the CDM story is far from finished.
But as the CDM plot thickens, what’s on the next page for Federal cyber protagonists?
During the second edition of CDM Central, MeriTalk’s half-day conference, the audience heard from key characters at agencies on the frontlines of CDM. They learned from top cyber experts on the new chapters ahead for the CDM program in FY20 and beyond, including Federal dashboard expansions, task order developments, and more.
To watch on demand, visit the home page for details.

The CDM plot continues to evolve – especially in a time of unprecedented telework and mobile environments for federal agencies and their customers. As CDM expands to new environments including cloud and mobile, and explores leveraging automation and AI, mitigation of new and evolving risks is a top priority. Join this live, virtual discussion with […]

Now in its sixth year, the CDM program is providing Federal, state, and local agencies with tools to track and respond to cyber security incidents faster and more efficiently. How are agencies using CDM to address new threats resulting from the pandemic’s shift to a remote workforce? Hear CDM agency experts address these topics and […]

This short and insightful virtual Q&A will feature a government agency leader on their CDM journey. Tune in as they share their insights on which page their agency is on within the CDM narrative. […]

This short and insightful virtual Q&A will feature CISA’s Sean Connelly, where he’ll share his insights on the TIC Telework Interim Guidance released in April 2020. Listen in to hear his narrative on the current status of the TIC 3.0 release, plans for the aiding agencies post-pandemic, and more. […]

CISA serves as the government’s go-to resource for all things CDM. Hear from Matt Hartman of CISA on current priorities to enhance security, resiliency and reliability of the nation’s cyber security infrastructure, and CDM’s role in assisting those efforts. […]