Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

With two separate Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) awards already under its belt, the Department of Labor (DoL) is seeing the benefits of agency leadership’s buy-in into the funding concept as a way to make quicker headway on pressing IT modernization projects, the agency’s chief technology officer said at MeriTalk’s TMF Forward virtual event on Dec. 16. […]


Federal agency chief information officer (CIO) reporting lines – long a mainstay for critical review by the House Oversight and Reform Committee in its semi-annual FITARA Scorecard that rates Federal agencies on key IT effectiveness measures – are taking center stage in a new report from the Labor Department’s (DOL) Office of Inspector General (OIG). […]


The Department of Labor (DoL) awarded Verizon Public Sector five Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions task orders worth $887 million to help substantially modernize its legacy communications and information technology capabilities. […]


Now that the Federal government, via the Department of Labor (DoL), has signed up to put $2 billion of stimulus-related funding into shoring up beleaguered state unemployment insurance (UI) systems overpowered by the jobless claim surge due to coronavirus pandemic, Federal and state officials discussed how those efforts will roll out during a panel discussion at MeriTalk’s State Tech Vision virtual program on September 15. […]

The Department of Labor (DOL) is continuing to experiment with new and emerging technologies by testing out standards for privacy and security on a smaller scale before mass implementation. As a part of this effort, the agency’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has established an Innovation Incubator to ensure the adoption of game-changing technology is fully operationalized, said Krista Kinnard, chief of Emerging Technologies at the OCIO for DOL, during an FCW webinar on September 14. […]


The Department of Labor (DoL) established a new office specifically focused on modernizing state unemployment insurance (UI) systems. The Office of Unemployment Insurance Modernization will be tasked with helping support the DoL UI modernization plan and oversee the $2 billion appropriated to the department in the American Rescue Plan, DoL announced on August 31. […]


With the vast amount of data available to Federal agencies today, government and private sector experts agreed this week that security teams have a pressing need to leverage automation technologies to better decipher the threat landscape, and to free up their creative capacity to pursue innovation and modernization. […]

Federal money spending government

As Federal agencies work to implement the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract – which offers a governmentwide solution-based vehicle to address Federal agency IT telecommunications and infrastructure requirements – the Department of Labor (DOL) is proving to be among best-in-class agencies at those modernization efforts. […]


The Department of Labor (DOL) – and numerous state governments that the agency assists – struggled during the coronavirus pandemic to ramp up unemployment insurance (UI) programs to meet sharp increases in demand.  Some of the principal culprits, according to DOL’s inspector general (IG), were legacy systems, insufficient staffing resources to manage increased unemployment claims, and unclear and untimely Employment and Training Administration (ETA) guidance. […]


Labor Secretary Marty Walsh told members of Congress last week that between $600 and $700 million of Federal funding approved under the American Rescue Plan Act will be used to pay for technical assistance to states to improve their unemployment insurance (UI) systems. […]


The FITARA 11.0 scorecard released in December 2020 turned out to be a pretty good report card for Federal agency IT operations. The latest set of grades marked just the second time since the House Oversight and Reform Committee started measuring agency progress against Federal Information Technology Reform Act (FITARA) and other key metrics that every agency received a passing score. […]


Krista Kinnard, chief of emerging technologies at the Department of Labor (DoL), said this week that her agency recently received its second round of Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) funding, and described how DoL is using that money to build out its data management and data analytics capabilities. […]


The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) needs to reevaluate its reporting compliance standards and fix the current deficiencies in the system, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). […]


President Biden’s Labor Secretary nominee – Boston mayor Marty Walsh – emphasized that state unemployment insurance systems are in sore need of technology upgrades during testimony at a Feb. 4 confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. […]

Officials from the Department of Labor and the Army Corps of Engineers reported this week that their organizations are continuing to make progress on IT modernization despite hurdles created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and are approaching modernization with data as the centerpiece. […]


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Federal IT operations are providing a resilient fabric that enables accelerated delivery of vital services to citizens during an unprecedented public health crisis. As government IT operations reach their new steady-state and map the path to further modernization, MeriTalk is surfacing the untold stories – and lessons – of those efforts. In the latest installment of CIO Crossroads, we examine the Labor Department’s performance eight weeks into the fray. […]


The Department of Labor (DOL) is planning to reauthorize data collection for the Unemployment Insurance (UI) IT Modernization Pre-Implementation Planning checklist, which states use before “going live” with a new UI Benefits and/or tax system. […]

Federal spending budget

The $2 trillion measure approved by the Senate last night to help stimulate the flagging U.S. economy and respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will provide hefty increases to the budgets of numerous Federal agencies with major roles in pandemic response and mitigation. […]
