Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

With nearly 1.5 million drones and 160,000 remote pilots now registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the administration continues to look for new ways to ensure safety and security in U.S. airspace. To that end, the FAA announced its industry partners that will help the Federal government establish requirements for future suppliers of Remote Identification (Remote ID). […]

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) suggests that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) update its Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE) cybersecurity template to reflect key cybersecurity practices. […]

The Department of Transportation’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced in a March 4 memo that it will conduct an audit of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) security controls to protect 50 information systems where a breach would have a “catastrophically adverse effect.” […]

electric grid

In a report released Feb. 25, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said that “most” of nine agencies tasked with protecting the 16 critical infrastructure sectors “have not developed methods to determine the level and type of adoption of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity.” […]

In a recent report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would be able to improve and diversify its workforce through improved data collection and analysis capabilities. […]

Department of Transportation

While improving the management of data across agencies is an ongoing challenge for Federal agencies, leveraging geospatial data as a strategic asset is turning into an area of opportunity for the Departments of Energy and Transportation (DoT), officials from both agencies said on Dec. 17. […]

Cybersecurity cyber

Federal agencies are unprepared to confront and mitigate cyberthreats today, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affair Committee Investigations Subcommittee determined in a report released today, recommending that agencies give CIOs more authority to make decisions on cybersecurity. […]

Rep. Tony Cardenas, D-Calif, introduced the Less Traffic with Smart Stop Lights Act of 2019 (HR 3261) on June 13 to establish a Department of Transportation grant program to modernize stoplights to “reduce traffic, improve safety, reduce fuel costs, and lessen air pollution.” […]

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) today to gather public input to address potential challenges in making automated driving system-dedicated vehicles (ADS-DVs) compliant with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSSs) crash avoidance requirements. […]

Department of Transportation

The Transportation Department’s (DoT) Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that the department had the second lowest maturity level for its information security systems, and that its cybersecurity functions were found to be inadequate in a Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) audit released last week. […]

cloud computing concept -min
Federal money spending government

Today, General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) announced that it has been awarded the Federal Aviation Administration’s new contract to design, implement, install, and maintain the agency’s Data, Visualization, Analysis, and Reporting System (DVARS). […]

Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation (DoT) is seeking research from companies and universities in the Arlington, Va., area to develop artificial intelligence (AI) applications for the use of autonomous drones. […]

Department of Transportation

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont has named Vicki Hildebrand CIO; she was CIO at the Department of Transportation before leaving the agency last week. […]

DoT Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation’s (DoT) Inspector General has flagged several broad cybersecurity categories as “top management challenges” for the agency in FY 2019, including what it called some “longstanding security weaknesses.” […]

Cloud United States Federal

Hybrid clouds can be an integral part of government agencies’ information technology modernization strategies by helping to provide consistency across on-premise and public cloud platforms to ease migration, integration, and operation across the platforms. […]

The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a request for information (RFI) for moving its FAA Enterprise Network Services program (FENS) to Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) High standards. […]

The White House isn’t doing enough to address in a public forum a range of artificial intelligence issues and needs to institute a public process to seek comments on AI-related issues, said a group of six industry groups and more than 80 individuals from academia and the private sector in a July 4 letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). […]

The digital transformation in government IT is driving modernization but also expanding the attack surface Federal agencies have to protect. The traditional perimeter no longer exists. Today, there is no “inside” or “outside” the network when it comes to detecting, defending, and deterring cyber attacks. […]

Federal agencies might not meet the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) data center closure goals, according to a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. Based on current projections, only 7,221 of the 12,062 data centers that agencies reported in August 2017 will be closed by September of this year. […]

The Government Accountability Office found that 62 percent of major information technology software development investments were certified by the agency chief information officer for using adequate incremental development in fiscal year 2017. However, a number of responses for the remaining investments were incorrectly reported due to agency error. […]

The Department of Transportation announced the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Pilot Program on Oct. 25, which is an initiative to safely test and validate advanced operations for drones in partnership with state and local governments. […]

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a total of 132 airspace authorizations to drone users as of Sept. 15 to assist in Hurricane Irma recovery efforts, and 137 authorizations to assist in Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. The Air National Guard used drones to assess disaster-stricken areas quickly and decide where to send resources. […]

The Government Accountability Office found that the Federal Aviation Administration’s NextGen program was successful in enhancing surface traffic operations at 39 of the 40 busiest airports in the United States. […]

The Government Accountability Office found that the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration needs to clarify its policies for ensuring the privacy of drivers of connected vehicles. Thirteen of the 16 selected automakers in GAO’s study sell connected vehicles, and those 13 reported collecting, using, and sharing data on the cars’ locations and operations. […]

The Government Accountability Office found that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has not completed a modernization plan for its existing IT systems, which will make it difficult to reach its modernization goals. […]
