The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated IT modernization and leveraged investments in cloud to keep agencies focused on the mission, which in turn is laying the groundwork for further modernization, said Maria Roat, Deputy Federal CIO, during a panel discussion today. […]
The White House’s Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence released a new report this week with recommendations on how to leverage cloud computing resources for Federally funded AI research and development projects. […]
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) issued a request for information (RFI) seeking information on how a Federal contractor can support and sustain the existing GEOINT Data Analytics Cloud (GDAC). […]
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) is seeking information on Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) cloud-based application development for its propulsion systems. […]
The U.S. Army’s Enterprise Cloud Environment, or cARMY, managed by the CIO Enterprise Cloud Management Office (ECMO) is seeking an Enterprise Cloud Common Shared Services to reduce complexity, increase security, eliminate duplication of effort, and increase Army-wide adoption of cloud computing technologies. […]
What if moving an entire network to the cloud was easy? […]
In a recent post on, the CDC said it is looking to partner with organizations to form a cloud-based platform to create a centralized hub for COVID-19 testing. […]
The Department of Energy (DoE) is utilizing the cloud to quickly scale up its computing capacity in response to COVID-19, with the end goal of enabling DoE employees constantly in mind, said Rocky Campione, DoE CIO. […]
In support of the Department of Defense’s broader mission, the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is tasked with providing PK-12 instruction to roughly 68,500 dependents of military and civilian employees. […]
A House bill introduced this month would allow small businesses who have received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to use those funds to procure cloud-based solutions. […]
The Energy Department is looking to modernize the Human Capital Management System (HCMS) at its Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York, according to an Oct. 23 request for proposal (RFP) posted on Beta.Sam.Gov. […]
As the nature of the Federal government’s work environment has changed due to the coronavirus pandemic, building cyber resiliency in cloud infrastructures has been essential to maintaining mission operations, agency officials said. […]
The Department of Defense (DoD) is looking to move its databases and entire operational system for biometric surveillance capabilities into an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment. […]
The Department of Energy (DoE) has executed a five-year agreement with Google Cloud for a range of services including the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google Workspace, Chrome browser support, and professional services. A dollar-value of the agreement was not disclosed. […]
For more than two years, Department of Defense (DoD) fourth estate agencies have undertaken the challenging task of migrating more than 100 data centers to milCloud 2.0. With the Fiscal Year 2020 deadline for that migration having passed on September 30, DoD agencies are focused on making sure their migration to milCloud 2.0 is driving toward outcomes that matter. […]
The Library of Congress, which includes millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps, and manuscripts in its collections, is seeking a cloud-based approach for interacting with digital collections as data. […]
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), an industry-backed group dedicated to best practices to ensure secure cloud computing environments, released its list of the top 11 threats to cloud computing. […]
Federal agencies, such as the Small Business Administration and National Oceanic Atmospheric Association, are realizing the scalability and cost benefits of a multi-cloud environment as they navigate remote work and service delivery. But, for agencies both new to and well-versed in the cloud, Booz Allen Hamilton cloud leaders John Pisano and Jimmy Pham are advising that governance from the get-go is a key consideration for making a multi-cloud environment more effective. […]
Three officials with milCloud 2.0 highlighted a range of successful customer use and migration cases to the cloud service at the first-ever milCloud 2.0 Virtual Bootcamp Event on September 10, organized by General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) and MeriTalk. Powered by GDIT, milCloud 2.0 connects cloud service offerings to Department of Defense (DoD) networks, and provides […]
Rory Kinney, Services Executive at the Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Operations Center, praised the operational balance that milCloud 2.0 services can bring to Department of Defense (DoD) organizations looking to move to cloud services, and forecasted that milCloud 2.0 is in line for a FedRAMP certification upgrade early next year. […]
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has provided an update on its efforts to advance Data Center and Cloud Optimization (DCC). […]
The State Department is turning to the private sector for more information on leveraging managed security services with each of its cloud architectures, including Software As A Service (SAAS), Platform As A Service (PAAS), and Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS). […]
Threat detection and response services provider Trustwave has launched its Trustwave Fusion platform on Amazon Web Services GovCloud – letting Federal agencies and government contractors take advantage of the cloud-native cybersecurity platform to combat ever-changing security threats. […]
With Federal agencies increasingly turning to cloud service providers, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the same time is looking to increase visibility across government and secure networks. […]
Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program Manager Kevin Cox said Sept. 9 that his office’s high-level aims for Fiscal Year 2021 feature an extensive menu of goals – fuller “operationalization” of CDM data, progress on installing the latest version of the CDM dashboard at the agency and Federal levels, and helping agencies to better understand and handle security for data in the cloud and from mobile services. […]
The Department of Defense (DoD) said today it has reaffirmed its decision to award the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud contract to Microsoft, following a “comprehensive re-evaluation” of proposals. […]
The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) is seeking industry input as it looks to invest in ship-mounted cloud computing infrastructure as part of the Navy’s broader future strategy for network-centric naval warfare. […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has truly changed the work environment for both Federal agencies and private sector companies and, as a result, organizations have shifted their priorities. […]
A Federal Appeals Court issued a decision today that upholds a Circuit Court ruling that rejected Oracle’s appeals in the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Cloud procurement case. […]
In a pivot to focus on IT modernization, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is embracing agile development with much success, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released August 31. The government watchdog agency said, however, that the agency would benefit from more clarity about the role of contracting officials in the new model. […]