Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

It’s no secret that women are underrepresented in leadership roles in the Federal government – especially when it comes to Federal IT management roles. Three female IT leaders joined MeriTalk’s Tech Tonic on Thursday evening to celebrate women in tech and inspire women to reach their full potential. […]

Women across the Federal IT landscape are taking the reins in their leadership roles and getting big stuff done. During GovCIO’s Women Tech Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C., this week, officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) highlighted some projects they are spearheading at their agencies to make an impact on the cyber workforce, innovation, and diversity and inclusion. […]

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The Office of the National Cyber Director’s (ONCD) Cyber Workforce Strategy will be released this summer, and the agency is “looking to include” four pillars in the document that key on how the Federal government can address severe shortages in cyber workforce, training, and education. […]

According to a recent U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report, women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) account for only 29 percent of the STEM Federal workforce. Christine Finnelle and Nicole Willis are a part of that one-third. […]

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said in a new report that women make up only 29.3 percent of the Federal government’s employees in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) roles, and that the government has a lot of work in front of it to begin narrowing that gap.  […]

Embracing unique perspectives and becoming aware of potential biases translate into smarter, more informed, and innovative work – no matter the field. But to truly improve diversity and inclusion, the Federal government needs to show a commitment and dedication to cultivate, attract and retain diverse leaders. […]


Even while women continue to make significant gains in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, many are still encountering obstacles in their career trajectories. Several women leaders in Federal government STEM fields offered advice from their own experiences at a March 1 virtual event hosted by ATARC on how to overcome challenges they have faced. […]

The bipartisan Senate Women in STEM Caucus – created late last year to advance women’s participation in science, technology, engineering and math education and careers – met on Feb. 16 to discuss the ongoing disparity in women’s participation in the STEM workforce and further challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. […]


While teleworking during the pandemic, women have had to balance work and home responsibilities while still attempting to achieve corporate goals and managing teams and customer needs. Women in the Federal sector discussed the positives and negatives of telework, and the urgency to have women rejoin the workforce on July 14 during a Women in Leadership Forum hosted by ACT-IAC. […]

Women have climbed the career ladder in government and achieved success through various strategies, from negotiation skills to networking and mentoring, but there’s still further to go. Female Federal leaders discussed the obstacles women face in achieving success, and the best practices to achieve success in the workplace, on July 14 during a Women in Leadership Forum hosted by the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council. […]


Women don’t yet have the highest representation in leadership roles in the Federal government – especially in the senior executive ranks – and several women leaders in government offered advice for women looking to advance in the Federal government, encouraging them to create their own opportunities and pay it forward to others. […]


Women’s equal participation and leadership in government are essential to achieving diversity inclusion in the public sphere, but women remain underrepresented at various levels of government worldwide. Female leaders in government discussed the best practices for women to navigate the career ladder in government, and overcome the barriers placed in their way during a GovLoop webinar on July 13. […]


Condoleezza Rice, the 66th Secretary of State, and Anja Manuel, former diplomat and advisor on emerging markets, gathered My 19 at Nutanix’s Women in Tech: Economic Value of Diversity in Tech virtual event to offer advice to women in the tech field and encourage them to seize the opportunities available to them. […]


Focusing on diversity and inclusion in the cybersecurity space is “paramount” to protecting the United States against cyber risks, female cyber leaders said April 6 during the Women Leaders in Cybersecurity Webinar hosted by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). […]

While 2020 was certainly a challenging year, a new report found that nearly half of women in the cybersecurity field say COVID-19 positively affected their career, with only 9 percent saying the pandemic negatively impacted their job […]


Innovation does not happen when people do the same thing day in and day out. It happens when we step out of our comfort zone, embrace challenges, and support inclusivity, industry experts said Oct. 29 at General Dynamics Information Technology’s Women + Technology event produced in association with MeriTalk. […]

MeriTalk recently connected with ManTech’s Seana McMoil, Senior Executive Director, National Cybersecurity Programs, on how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted agencies’ cyber defense plans, and the importance of raising awareness of women in cybersecurity as October is National Cybersecurity Awareness month. […]


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) has named Sylvia Burns Chief Information Officer and Chief Privacy Officer, with a mandate to lead implementation of the agency’s five-year IT modernization plan. […]

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