Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Agencies deal with a greater volume and velocity of cyber threats today than ever before. To achieve actionable cyber awareness and drive continuity of vital operations, Federal cyber leaders must speed cyber response times for threat prevention, detection, and mitigation for known, and more importantly, unknown threats. […]

modernization expedition

The journey to the cloud starts with a single step. Federal IT leaders must assure their data is secure, accessible, and actionable; and that they can scale as fast as the mission requires. […]

Cloud adopters are stepping on the gas – from police stations and state colleges to our nation’s capital. But how do these agencies and institutions determine the best route? And, which applications do they take along for the ride? MeriTalk asked Federal, state and local, and higher education cloud adopters about their cloud strategies. […]

To keep our data, systems, and enterprises secure, cybersecurity executives must nail down the many moving parts – training, governance, budgets, and innovation. But while cybersecurity strategies are evolving, agencies still aren’t up to code. What’s the holdup on the Hill? […]

The cybersecurity waters are swimming with threats, and agencies do not have the personnel, utilities, or time to properly handle their massive amounts of data. However, with the ability to allow agencies to sift and sort through the very data they are sinking in, big data may be agencies’ lifeline. […]

From social media and Web 2.0 to hyperscale environments and a mobile workforce, data is growing at an alarming rate. In fact, the digital universe doubles in size every two years – and by 2020, it’s projected to reach 44 zettabytes. Are agencies ready for the data deluge? And more importantly, how can they store, manage, and protect their growing data resources? […]

There’s no question Federal agencies are reaping benefits from the cloud – improved speed and agility, reduced complexity, and cost savings. But, as Federal mandates propel cloud forward, some welcome the boost, while others have cold feet. What’s causing Feds to warm up to the cloud? And what steps are they taking to realize its benefits? […]

FedRAMP faces a wide array of serious challenges – fault lines in its foundation. But it’s mandatory for Federal agency cloud deployments and needs to succeed if the government is to ever capitalize on the promise of cloud. What can Feds do to improve and embrace the FedRAMP process? […]

The Federal IT community recognizes improving Fed IT means overhauling how agencies procure and distribute IT services. With growing data and shrinking budgets, Feds are turning to cloud, “as-a-Service,” and OpEx vs. CapEx dollars. How can agencies best tackle cloud procurement? […]

Since 2006, Federal cyber security breaches have exposed 87 million private records. Download the “Cyber Security Triple Threat” infographic to learn how to conquer the cyber security triple threat. […]

Healthcare leaders are bringing data, applications, and analytics together — to fast track time to actionable insights for operational, financial, and clinical improvements. View our infographic to learn how health IT leaders are making a splash with predictive analytics – now and in the future. […]

While FedRAMP is pivotal to Uncle Sam’s cloud conversion, its current path to compliance is complex and difficult to navigate. Find out how to get FedRAMP back on track […]

In today’s work-anywhere world, Federal agencies need new communications capabilities to accommodate expanding telework policies and multiplying worksites. […]

Federal agencies are facing an explosion of endpoints in both volume and variety. However, as endpoints increase, so do cyber vulnerabilities. […]

Inside Job
FITARA Frontlines

The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) promises to improve Federal IT efficiency – in fact, 84 percent of Feds are optimistic about its impact. […]

With cyber threats now a national emergency, government agencies must amp up security measures to best protect their data. What are agencies doing to manage cyber risk? […]

Agency’s are struggling to combat fraud and improper payments. What are Feds doing to fight this growing problem? What best practices and next steps? […]

Video surveillance data is growing – fast. How can agencies derive maximum actionable intelligence from video surveillance data? […]

Keeping up with – or preferably ahead of – advances in technology is absolutely necessary for those involved in government IT. MeriTalk features not only the latest research affecting federal technology, but also more in-depth studies that examine how those developments are likely to impact the government IT realm.

MeriTalk federal IT research covers a variety of subjects, including how to make the best use of Big Data, the safest use of cloud computing, and other cybersecurity topics that affect all government agencies.