Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Federal agencies are finding their way to cloud services in increasing numbers, and through a variety of mission-specific motivations. Far from a one-size-fits-all mindset, agency decisions to undertake cloud migrations need to be evaluated through multiple project outcome priorities. Here’s a rundown of some recent agency moves to the cloud, with some advice from solutions provider Force 3 about steps that may make the move easier.   […]

Maria Roat

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated IT modernization and leveraged investments in cloud to keep agencies focused on the mission, which in turn is laying the groundwork for further modernization, said Maria Roat, Deputy Federal CIO, during a panel discussion today. […]

General Services Administration GSA

Cloud is more important now than ever to provide the necessary flexibility, security, and scalability to support the growing remote workforce. While government agencies have made significant progress in adopting cloud – through OMB’s Cloud First and Cloud Smart policies – there is still more to be done. […]


Agencies are mostly making progress on the White House’s IT modernization goals – with many goals completed, most remaining goals on track, and a few challenge areas – according to a President’s Management Agenda (PMA) update released September 19. […]

US Federal CIO Suzette Kent OMB MeriTalk CCXB

With modernization initiatives advancing across Federal government in areas like automation, data, and cybersecurity, moving to the cloud can be the jumping off point for all of those efforts, said Federal CIO Suzette Kent. […]

Congress Capitol Senate House

Democratic and Republican leaders of the House Subcommittee on Government Reform today previewed their bipartisan effort to create legislation that would codify into law the FedRAMP (Federal Risk Assessment and Management Program) program that standardizes security requirements of cloud services used by the government, and make the FedRAMP program operate more efficiently. […]

hybrid cloud multi cloud computing in the cloud

By: Greg Fletcher, Business Development Director, Federal Civilian Agencies, Juniper Networks The government’s modernization effort has evolved over time with the help of policy developments, increased funding and a cultural shift toward embracing technology. Federal leaders dedicated years to planning the impending digital transformation and now, agencies are beginning to leverage innovative forms of technology […]

The General Services Administration (GSA) released its Federal Marketplace (FMP) Strategy Summer 2019 release today, providing updates concerning the agency’s project to modernize and streamline Federal acquisition. […]

The release of the Cloud Smart policy yesterday has given agencies a “North Star” of guidance on how to accelerate cloud adoption, Federal Deputy CIO for the Office of Management and Budget Margie Graves said today. […]

The Office of Management and Budget finalized its Cloud Smart policy today, making no major changes from the draft policy released in September 2018. […]

Federal Cloud Flag

The General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that it has launched the Cloud Information Center (CIC), which will serve as a central repository for cloud resources. […]

Computers cloud connected-min

Suppose that mid-way along the long, complex road to Federal IT modernization, an agency IT manager jotted down a wish-list for the most important big-picture elements of what the promised land should look like? […]

data center

With the new Artificial Intelligence (AI) executive order and Federal data strategy on the horizon, MeriTalk connected with Rob Davies, Executive Vice President of Operations, ViON, to discuss how agencies can prepare their infrastructure to handle demands from AI, IoT, advanced analytics, blockchain, and more. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) rescheduled its planned outreach to industry in looking for an automated solution that can help agencies conduct audits of Federal grant recipients. The new date for the virtual pre-demonstration conference is March 4, and industry demonstration days will be held on April 3 and April 5. […]

Military Data Center

The Defense Department’s newly published cloud strategy leans heavily on several core concepts including maximizing competition among cloud service providers, sticking to a single cloud strategy, leveraging commercial-sector best practices, creating a culture for better technology evolution, and above all else supporting warfighters and increasing their lethality. […]

Federal agencies cannot develop an effective strategy to migrate workloads to the cloud without having a solid data strategy in place, according to a leading cloud expert at Booz Allen Hamilton. […]

hybrid cloud multi cloud computing in the cloud

Cloud computing offers benefits and efficiencies, but agencies need to go through the application rationalization process and decide what works best for their situation, said Deputy Federal CIO Margie Graves and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Deputy CIO Steve Rice. […]

cloud cyber modernization AI
Federal Cloud Flag

Federal officials are looking at 2019 as the year of the hybrid cloud, as agencies shift from the Cloud First policy of moving pell-mell into as-a-service models to the Cloud Smart policy, which focuses more on making cloud work with legacy systems and serving agency missions. […]

DCOI data center server room infrastructure hyperconverged cloud storage architecture

The White House is looking to finalize its new Cloud Smart policy following the release of a draft at the end of September. Agencies and other stakeholders have been given just over a month to express how to make improvements to the new policy. […]

Suzette Kent

Federal CIO Suzette Kent said today that the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies is of primary importance to the Federal government, as agencies begin to determine their AI priorities and a picture of government-wide investment begins to form. […]

cloud computing concept -min
Cloud United States Federal

As the Federal government shifts its cloud strategy from “Cloud First” to “Cloud Smart,” IT leaders at the Infor Government Forum described how their previous cloud migration efforts have shifted their agencies’ mindsets and brought new successes to their department. […]

Federal government, cloud computing

The rate of cloud adoption in the Federal government may not be keeping up with the hype around the new technology or the demands of IT professionals at Federal agencies, according to new research conducted by MeriTalk. […]

Cloud United States Federal

The Office of Management and Budget today released a draft of its new Cloud Smart strategy, marking the first update to White House guidance on Federal agency cloud adoption since 2011. With the new draft strategy the administration has broadly highlighted three areas–security, procurement, and workforce–as the foundational areas of the strategy and where it feels that updated guidance is most necessary. […]

cloud cyber modernization AI

The Office of Management and Budget recently released its Q3 FY 2018 progress update to the President’s Management Agenda’s cross-agency priority (CAP) goals, and for CAP goal No. 1, IT Modernization, it appears that there has been a notable progression on cloud adoption in the Federal government. […]
