Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Department of Defense information networks (DoDIN) are working to apply a Comply-to-Connect (C2C) initiative that will boost cybersecurity across DoD with future directives by the DoD CIO addressing components of the initiative. […]


The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is seeking a private sector partner to provide engineering, sustainment, technical and operational support for the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Cloud Storage programs. […]

Military Cyber Soldier modernization DoD Department of Defense

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) released its request for proposals for the Defense Enclave Services (DES) contract, an $11 billion, 10-year contract that will be key to IT modernization and consolidation among the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Fourth Estate agencies. […]

milCloud Bootcamp

The FY20 deadline is looming for Department of Defense (DoD) fourth estate agencies to migrate more than 100 data centers to milCloud® 2.0. To help advance migration and bring awareness to the new technologies and capabilities available on milCloud® 2.0, GDIT and DISA, in conjunction with MeriTalk, are launching the first-ever milCloud® 2.0 Virtual Bootcamp Event. […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has made all levels of government radically change how they operate. From shifting their workforce to telework to delivering government services digitally, Federal, state, and local governments have had to pivot the way they work, while still delivering on their mission. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD
Pentagon Military Defense DoD

While the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) says that a pandemic was never a part of its strategic plan, the agency has released figures showing how it quickly prepared its workforce to continue operations including a 1,000 percent increase in virtual private network (VPN) access for its joint partners. […]

During the COVID-19 crisis, Federal agencies are vulnerable to more cyberattacks and data breaches than ever before, but agencies like the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) are working hard to address the cybersecurity challenges. […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) announced on Nov. 22 that the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) is seeking out a cloud system integrator to support the procurement, implementation, and operation of a hybrid and multi-cloud platform. […]

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Health and Human Services HHS

In the agency’s latest effort to protect sensitive information, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) partnered with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to develop biometric and behavior-based access credentials for employees.   […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on Nov. 4 explained several upcoming FY2020 and beyond industry contract awards for information technology (IT) projects and initiatives at its Forecast to Industry 2019 event. […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) released a request for information on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies that can detect and combat cyberattacks as they occur. […]

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The Senate version of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes multiple provisions in the bill’s report that push the Department of Defense (DoD) to make greater investments in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). […]

Cybersecurity cyber

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is seeking a vendor to bring interoperability to a wide range of cybersecurity capabilities and create a single network for cyber defense, according to a sources sought notice released September 6. Responses are due by September 20. […]

Since the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) began implementing its internal vulnerability management continuous monitoring security program – Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS) – officials who have worked closely with the solution have praised ACAS’s capabilities, from its continuous passive monitoring, to its dashboarding and prospects of scaling to the cloud. DISA first issued ACAS’s […]

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The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) issued an Aug. 15 provisional authorization that would enable Defense Department (DoD) components and mission partners to streamline cloud authorizations. […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) launched the Department of Defense (DoD) Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) on Aug. 15, which will provide users with an enterprise-wide ability to safely transfer files in the DoD. […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on July 10 released its strategic plan that aims to sharpen the Defense Department’s (DoD’s) military readiness, drive acquisition reform, and push modernization efforts through FY 2022. […]

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) announced on July 8 an award that will add 23 small businesses to the agency’s $7.5 billion Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (SETI) contract. […]

With vendors in various stages of approval for companies in the Federal Risk Assessment and Management Program (FedRAMP) program, getting a cloud offering approved and at the right level can be confusing, but new guidance from the FedRAMP program management office (PMO) aims to fix that. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense (DoD) has delayed the transfer of 1,200 IT employees that was set to take place in September of 2019 as labor unions raised their concerns about the move. […]
