A bipartisan group of House members introduced the Technology in Criminal Justice Act, which would establish an Office of Digital Law Enforcement within the Department of Justice (DoJ). […]
An Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report cites prosecuting cybercrime in the age of encryption, maintaining election security, and protecting its own IT systems as areas of top management and performance challenges facing the Department of Justice (DOJ). […]
The Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a Federal Register posting that it plans to develop a new system that will serve as its central Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) record repository for DOJ Identity Services. […]
The Federal government’s civilian, military, and intelligence agencies issued a statement Nov. 5 reiterating Federal support for election security at national, state, and local levels. […]
A former deputy assistant attorney general used his government-provided computer to view sexually explicit images and lied to department investigators, according to a summary released August 29 by the Department of Justice’s (DoJ’s) inspector general. […]
Several high-ranking Federal agency tech leaders are set to testify before the House Government Operations Subcommittee on July 17 when it holds a hearing to consider the effectiveness of the FedRAMP (Federal Risk Assessment and Management Program) program that standardizes security requirements of cloud services used by the government. […]
A bipartisan proposed amendment to the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2020 would prevent the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) from spending funds on any expansion of facial recognition technologies. […]
The Justice Department (DoJ) is meeting, even exceeding, its Agency Priority Goal (APG) Action Plan targets to combat cyber-enabled threats and attacks, according to a June update reporting the first and second quarter progress DoJ has made for FY2019. […]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Justice Department (DoJ) still have more work to do to boost the accuracy of facial recognition technology (FRT) they use and to ensure privacy of data used with that technology. […]
Two FISMA (Federal Information Security Modernization Act) report summaries released June 4 highlight weaknesses in cybersecurity procedures at the Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA). […]
The Justice Department (DoJ) is preparing a potential antitrust investigation of Google to examine the tech giant’s internal practices and search rankings, according to the Wall Street Journal. […]
A new Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) report reviewing the Justice Department’s (DoJ’s) Criminal Division (CRM) identified vulnerabilities in five of the eight domain areas in CRM’s 2018 information security program and practices. The public report, released May 23, only summarized the full audit, but the summary said that DoJ’s Office of the Inspector […]
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report today that shines a light on nine Federal agencies for 12 practices the agencies adopted to help them more effectively implement FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) provisions. […]
Data-sharing isn’t solely about collecting data, but rather who can provide the best value to data in an environment that encourages open-data. […]
The Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found that DoJ’s Justice Management Division’s (JMD’s) Justice Security Tracking and Adjudication Record System (JSTARS) was overall compliant with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) in an audit summary released yesterday. […]
The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice submitted a joint report on election interference in the 2018 elections to President Trump, finding no evidence of any meddling with “a material impact on the integrity or security of election infrastructure or political/campaign infrastructure used in the 2018 midterm elections for the United States Congress.” […]
Department of Justice (DOJ) CIO Joseph Klimavicz spoke about the importance of how everyday citizens should be able to reach people in leadership positions in the Federal government and the soon-to-be-released IT strategy for FY 2019-2021. […]
A paper released by think tank New America on Thursday recommends that local governments build partnerships with Federal, state, and other local partners to prepare for major cyberattacks. At the Federal level, strategies for doing helping cities include providing grants targeted specifically to cybersecurity help, the report suggests. […]
A top-ranking official at the Department of Justice (DoJ) discussed the development of drone aircraft, and their uses for public safety work at both Federal and local levels of government. […]
The Department of Justice (DoJ), citing the increased number of cybercrimes being tackled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has doubled its broad goal of FBI actions to combat cyberattacks in FY 2019, although FY 2018 statistics indicate that the FBI could end up handling a much heavier workload than that. […]
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, alongside the Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Department of Homeland Security, released a joint statement today that expresses their concern over election interference and calls identification and prevention of interference a “top priority for the Federal government.” […]
The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced Friday that Ruslans Bondars, the operator of counter- antivirus service “Scan4you,” was sentenced to 14 years in prison. […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report today that says Federal agencies are largely following guidelines to make Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests easier to access by making many of the frequently requested documents available online. […]
Joseph Klimavicz, chief information officer and deputy assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice, today previewed an updated IT strategic plan he is working on that will focus on improved service delivery, more intelligent and autonomous processes, a further push to shared services, improvements to network security, and use of advanced analytics and machine-learning technologies. […]
A new report from the Departments of Commerce (DoC) and Homeland Security (DHS) suggests that the proliferation of botnets and the automated, distributed cyber attacks they generate will cause greater problems for Federal agencies absent a robust government response to the problem that includes a proper mix of funding, policies, and public-private collaboration. […]
The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced today that a Federal jury convicted Ruslans Bondars, a resident of Latvia, on three counts related to his operation of “Scan4you,” an online counter-antivirus service. […]
After years of fits and starts on a much-needed electronic filing system, the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) is “poised” to deploy a comprehensive, cloud-based e-file platform next year to help reduce a massive backlog of cases, a top EOIR official said recently. […]
The Federal CIO Council recently released a case study focusing on Technology Business Management (TBM) adoption rates at a single bureau within the Department of Justice (DOJ). The study will be used as part of the council’s commitment to guide agency-wide adoption of TBM. […]
The Department of Justice announced on July 20 that it was recently able to take down dark website AlphaBay and its administrator. The action was in conjunction with Europol as well as law enforcement authorities in Thailand, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Canada, the United Kingdom, and France. […]