Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
cyber workforce

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) posted a job opening for the Federal Deputy CIO position Feb. 3, after Margie Graves left the position for the private sector at the end of last year. […]

data sharing

The Federal Data Strategy and Evidence-Based Policymaking Act must have a collaborative and governed approach for it to succeed, Deputy Federal CIO for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Margaret Graves said today. […]

The release of the Cloud Smart policy yesterday has given agencies a “North Star” of guidance on how to accelerate cloud adoption, Federal Deputy CIO for the Office of Management and Budget Margie Graves said today. […]


A trio of women in senior IT leadership spanning the top ranks at Federal agencies counseled that hard work, skill in making key relationships, taking career-changing opportunities, and remaining authentic have been among the key steps in their paths to the highest levels of tech leadership in government. […]

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is being careful about introducing any kind of unintended bias in its use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, according to Margie Graves, Deputy CIO at OMB, who said today that Federal agencies should be very judicious about the technologies’ “fit for use.” […]

hybrid cloud multi cloud computing in the cloud

Cloud computing offers benefits and efficiencies, but agencies need to go through the application rationalization process and decide what works best for their situation, said Deputy Federal CIO Margie Graves and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Deputy CIO Steve Rice. […]

The newest round of Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) awards came after the TMF board reviewed more than 40 proposals from agencies looking to win funds from the program, according to Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves. […]

cloud cyber modernization AI

Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves said today that the forthcoming update to the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) Initiative is coming “extraordinarily soon.” With the update, there seems to be an acknowledgment that the former ways of TIC–now over a decade old–will be yielding, including the TIC architecture often seen as expensive and inflexible to cloud technologies. […]

At today’s TBM Council Public Sector Summit, three government leaders stressed the importance of evolving the Federal government’s Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process and the role Technology Business Management (TBM) can play in that evolution. […]

IT modernization in the Federal government will require collaboration, effective policies, and a focus on the true end-goal: improving the government experience for citizens, said agency CIOs and industry leaders at a May 23 FedInsider webinar on IT modernization. […]

No Category Set!

Good things come to those who wait–and patient folks make it on Santa’s nice list.  While the holiday decorations are all put way, seems MeriTalk had it right when we reported on Dec. 27 of last year that Suzette Kent would serve as the new Federal CIO.    […]

Luke McCormack, chief information officer of the Department of Homeland Security, retired from government Tuesday. McCormack plans to look for opportunities in the private sector. […]
