Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The White House invited technology leaders to a summit last week to discuss eliminating policies that provide obstacles to modernizing the Federal government. On the table: tax reform, the implications of a new tax plan on the technology sector, and the H-1B visa program. […]

Much of the government has a fear of taking technological risks, and it is the role of digital services teams to snap agency leadership out of that way of thinking, according to Digital Services panelists at the AWS Public Sector Summit on June 13. […]

Matt Cutts, acting administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, said that the Trump administration’s new American Technology Council will be more involved in the agency’s projects across government agencies. […]

Pentagon, DoD

The Department of Defense is leveraging the Pentagon’s Digital Service Team to develop a public vulnerability disclosure program that will launch in the next few months, according to Lisa Wiswell, an official from the digital service team. […]

The United States Digital Service’s second birthday is Thursday and even though it lauds two of its best accomplishments as expanding an administrator’s tie collection and having the most unique décor in the White House, it has improved the usability of several of the Federal government’s online projects. […]
