Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
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Artificial intelligence is key to the future of the American economy, and investments need to be made now to ensure that the workforce is prepared, said members of Congress during a panel at a Washington Post Live event on Thursday. […]

White House officials championed the Obama administration’s programs and advances in open data at the first White House Open Data Summit as a means of inspiring further open data innovations in the coming years. […]

President Obama announced Wednesday that the White House will be hosting a Computer Science for All summit, and that agencies and industry partners are acting in support of computer science (CS) education. […]

Ashkan Soltani, the former CTO at the Federal Trade Commission who joined the White House in December to advise U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith, is stepping down after being denied a security clearance. Soltani played an active role in the Washington Post’s reporting on the National Security Agency surveillance programs leaked to the media by Edward Snowden. […]
